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Durham, N.C. - Carolina Academic Press, ©2008 Monographic text Health law - cases, materials and problems / by Barry R. Furrow ... (and others) St. Paul, MN - Thomson/West, c2008 Monographic text Health law - cases, materials and problems / by Barry R. Furrow ... (and others) St. Paul, MN - Thomson West, c2008 Monographic text Health Pennsylvania bulletin Harrisburg, 1909- Magazine Health physics - official journal of the Health physics society New York - Pergamon, 1958- Magazine Health policy - crisis and reform in the U.S. health care delivery system / edited by Charlene Harrington, Carrol L. Esteses ; with assistance from Brooke Hollister Boston (etc.) - Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2008 Monographic text Health progress St. Louis - Catholic health Association of the U.S.A., 1984- Magazine Health promotion and disease prevention in clinical practice / (edited by) Steven H. Woolf, Steven Jonas, Evonne Kaplan-Liss Philadelphia - Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2008 Monographic text Health psychology / American Psychological Association. Division of Health Psychology Hillsdale, N.J. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Magazine Health services management research - an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration Harlow - Longman, 1988- Magazine Health technology management Plymouth Meeting (PA) - ECRI, 1990- Magazine Health, United States ... and injury chartbook Hyattsville (MD) - U.S. Department of health and human services, 1997- Magazine Healthcare informatics / New York - Mc Graw-Hill, 2001- Vol. 18, n. 5- Magazine Heart and lung - official publication of American association of critical- care nurses St. Louis (MO) - C.V. Mosby, 1972- Magazine Heart disease and stroke Vol.1, n.1(January-February 1992) - Magazine |