Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2008

Page no. 695 of 1320       

Society of vertebrate paleontology memoir / Society of vertebrate paleontology
Lincoln, Neb. - (The society), 1991-

Socio-economic planning sciences - an international journal
New York (etc.) - Pergamon Press

Socioeconomic planning sciences - the international journal of public sector decision-making
New York - Pergamon press, (1967)-

Sociological abstracts / Cosponsored by International sociological association
San Diego - Sociological abstracts

Sociological focus / North Central sociological association
Kent - Kent state university

Sociological inquiry - journal of the National sociology honor society
The place of publication is not referred - Sociological inquiry

Sociological methods & research
Newbury Park - Sage, 1972-

Sociological research - a journal of translations from russian
Armonk - Sharpe, 1992-

Sociological theory
San Francisco etc. - Jossey-Bass, 1983-

Sociology of education - a journal of research in socialization and social structure
Washington - American sociological association

A sociology of health / edited by David Wainwright
Los Angeles (etc.) - Sage, c2008
Monographic text

Sociology of religion / Association for the Sociology of Religion
Washington - Association for the Sociology of Religion, 1993-

The sociology of religion - a substantive and transdisciplinary approach / George Lundskow
Los Angeles - Pine Forge Press, 2008
Monographic text

The sociology of Zygmunt Bauman - challenges and critique / edited by Michael Hviid Jabobsen and Poul Poder
Aldershot ; Burlington, VT - Ashgate, 2008
Monographic text

Soft power superpowers - cultural and national assets of Japan and the United States / Yasushi Watanabe and David L. McConnell editors
Armonk, NY ; London - M.E. Sharpe, c2008
Monographic text

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