Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2008

Page no. 697 of 1320       

Solar hydrogen generation - toward a renewable energy future / edited by Krishnan Rajeshwar, Robert McConnell, Stuart Licht
New York - Springer, ©2008
Monographic text

The solar system beyond neptune / edited by M. Antonietta Barucci ... (and others)
Tucson ; Houston - University of Arizona Press - Lunar and planetary Institute, c2008
Monographic text

Il solco - rivista mensile di cultura popolare
New York - (s.n.

Solid fuel chemistry
New York - Allerton press,

Solid state physics - advances in research and applications
New York - Academic Press, 1955-

Solid state physics - advances in research and applications / founding editors Frederick Seitz, David Turnbull
New York - Academic Press
Monographic text

Solid state physics. Supplement

Solon and early Greek poetry - the politics of exhortation / Elizabeth Irwin
Cambridge, UK ; New York - Cambridge University Press, 2008
Monographic text

Solutions manual to accompany - Simulation and the Monte Carlo method / Dirk P. Kroese ... (and others)
Hoboken (NJ)
Monographic text

Solutions manual to accompany Fundamentals of queueing theory / Donald Gross ... (and others)
Hoboken, NJ - Wiley, c2008
Monographic text

Solvent extraction reviews
New York - M. Dekker, 1971-

Somatosensory & motor research - SMR
New York (NY) - Guilford publications, (©1988-

Some mathematical questions in biology
Providence - The American mathematical society, 1970-
Monographic text

Something about the author - facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / (edited by Anne Commire
Detroit ; London - Gale, 1971-

Somitogenesis / edited by Miguel Maroto ; Neil V. Whittock
New York - Springer, c2008
It's a part of > Advances in experimental medicine and biology - AEMB
Monographic text

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