Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2008

Page no. 703 of 1320       

A special issue on metropole and colony
Chicago - The University of Chicago Press, c2008
It's a part of > The journal of modern history
Monographic text

Special issue- The circulation of news and knowledge in intersecting networks / guest editors- Sven Dupré and Sachiko Kusukawa
New York - Oxford University Press, 2008
It's a part of > History of universities
Monographic text

Special issue- The College de Montaigu at the University of Paris - aspect of its institutional and intellectual history (14.-18. century) / guest editor- Paul J. J. M. Bakker
New York - Oxford University Press, 2008
It's a part of > History of universities
Monographic text

Special paper / Geological Society of America
Boulder - Geological Society

Special publication / Florida Geological Survey
Tallalassee, Florida - Florida Geological Survey, 2001-

Special publications / Kentucky Geological Survey
Lexington - University of Kentucky, College of arts and sciences, 1953? -

Special publications / University of Michigan, Museum of zoology
Ann Arbor - Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan, 1990-

Special report / University of Wisconsin, Geological and Natural Survey
Madison WI - University of Wisconsin, 1967-

Special report. Iowa agriculture and home economics experiment station
Ames - Iowa state university, 1958 -

Special report. New York state agricultural experiment station
Geneva - (s.n.), 1970 -

Spectral theory of differential operators - M.Sh. Birman 80th anniversary collection / T. Suslina ... (and others) editors
Providence - AMS, 2008
Monographic text

Spectroscopy letters
Vol.1, no.1(January 1968)-

St. Paul - Immigration history research center, University of Minnesota, 1975-

Spectrum - the journal of state government / Council of state governments
Lexington - Council of state governments, 1992-

Speculum - a journal of mediaeval studies
Cambridge (Mass.) - Mediaeval academy of America, 1926-

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