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(The place of publication is not referred) - Elsevier, 2010 Monographic text AJCC Cancer staging handbook - from the AJCC Cancer staging manual / American Joint Committee on Cancer ; editorial board Stephen B. Edge ... (and others) New York (etc.) - Springer, c2010 Monographic text AJCC cancer staging manual / American joint committee on cancer; editorial board Stephen Edge ... (and others New York (etc.) - Springer, 2010 Monographic text AJHP - American journal of health-system pharmacy - Official journal of the American society of health-system pharmacists Vol. 52, n. 1 (1 Jan. 1995)- Magazine AJIC - American journal of infection control St. Louis (MO) - Mosby, 1992 - Magazine AJOB Neuroscience Philadelphia, Pa. - Taylor & Francis Magazine AJOB Primary Research Philadelphia, Pa. - Taylor & Francis Magazine Akwesasne notes - where the partridge drums - official pubblication of the Kahniakehaka nation council of chiefs Rooseveltown - (s.n. , 1969- Magazine Al heroico batallon de San Patricio, 1847 / produced and directed by Christian Macklam & Sean Major Beverly Hills, CA - Blackrock, 2010 Audiovisual Al heroico batallon de San Patricio, 1847 / The Chieftains ; featuring Ry Cooder ; produced by Paddy Moloney and Ry Cooder Beverly Hills, CA - Blackrock, 2010 Audio recording Alabama Staats-Zeitung New Orleans - Universal Publisching Company Magazine Alaska native language center working papers Fairbanks (Alaska) - University of Alaska. Alaska native language center, 2001- Magazine Albania - the official organ of the albanian national and political party - standes for the right cause Worcester - National and political party Magazine Albanian catholic bulletin - published periodically / by the Albanian catholic information center Santa Clara - Albanian catholic information center Magazine Alberto Burri - cretti neri - New York, May 10-July 30, 2010 / (with essay by Maurizio Calvesi) New York - Luxembourg & Dayan, ©2010 Monographic text |