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Warrendale, PA - SAE International, 2009- Magazine Sage annual reviews of communication research Beverly Hills (etc.) - Sage, 1972 Magazine Sage family studies abstracts Beverly Hills etc. - Sage Magazine The SAGE handbook of governance / edited by Mark Bevir Los Angeles - SAGE, (2011) Monographic text The SAGE handbook of innovation in social research methods / edited by Malcolm Williams and W. Paul Vogt Los Angeles (etc.) - SAGE, 2011 Monographic text The SAGE handbook of leadership / edited by Alan Bryman ... (and others) Los Angeles (etc.) - SAGE, 2011 Monographic text The Sage handbook of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln editors Thousand Oaks (etc.) - Sage, c2011 Monographic text The Sage handbook of social network analysis / edited by Peter J. Carrington, John Scott Los Angeles (etc.) - SAGE Publications, 2011 Monographic text Sage international yearbook of foreign policy studies Beverly Hills - Sage, 1973- Magazine Sage public administration abstracts Newbury Park etc. - Sage Magazine SAH News - newsletter of the Society of architectural historians Chicago - Society of architectural historians, 2003- Magazine Sahel - bibliographic bulletin - bulletin bibliographique / Sahel Documentation Center, Michigan State University Vol. 1, n. 1(1977)- Magazine The Saint Louis Art Museum annual report St. Louis Mo. - Museum, 1972- Magazine Sais review - a journal of international affairs Baltimore - John Hopkins University Press Magazine SAM advanced management journal / Society for advancement of management New York - SAM, 1969- Magazine |