A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      The Literature of the Violin—its history, and practice, has, within the last few years, assumed such large proportions, that it would appear as if little more remained to be said on the subject. Nevertheless, whilst the fiddle student has at command dozens of books in which to seek for information concerning the theoretical side of his instrument, very little has been said about those artists who have from time to time exhibited before the world their marvellous talents as executants ; for, after all, the finest violin ever fabricated in the workshops of Cremona would, if doomed to everlasting silence, per se be practically worthless. Some account,

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Literature Violin Cremona Nevertheless