A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      18 Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers.
      he visited Spain and France, and in 1852 settled in Paris for a few years, but ultimately returned to his native town in order to devote himself to composition. In 1873 he was appointed professor of composition in the Milan Conservatoire, and seven years later became Director of this famous institution ; a position he still continues to hold. The compositions of this talented artiste include five string quartets, a string quintet, music for the church, and an opera—Turandot—produced in 1867.
      ' Becker, Dietrich, a performer and composer at Hamburg in 1668.
      'Bella, Dominico Dalla, a performer on the 'cello, and composer in Italy in the beginning of the eighteenth century.
      Benazet, -, an excellent French
      'cellist. He performed in 1823 at the Societe Philharmonique, at Paris.
      'Benda, Franz, born at Altbenatky, Bohemia, November, 1709, died at Potsdam, March, 1786; a celebrated fiddler, and founder of a German School. He was a chorister in the church of St. Nicholas at Prague, in 1718; and from thence he went to Dresden, where he was engaged at the Chapel Royal. About this time he applied himself to the study of the violin. He then quitted the King's chapel and engaged himself with a company of strolling musicians, who attendedI

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Biographical Dictionary Fiddlers Spain France Paris Milan Conservatoire Director Dietrich Hamburg Bella Dominico Dalla Italy French Societe Philharmonique Paris Benda Franz Altbenatky Bohemia November Potsdam March German School Prague Dresden Chapel Royal King The Nicholas About