A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 5 5
      at the theatres of Brest and Nantes. He was also an organist of no mean order. His compositions include duets and con-certantes for two violins. ' Borghi, Luigi, a pupil of Pugnani, settled in London about 1780, and became leader of the second fiddles in the orchestra, at the commemoration of Handel at Westminster Abbey, which took place in 1784. He has published a number of sonatas, concertos, symphonies, and canzonets. Two of Borghi's sonatas are highly spoken of by G. Jensen.
      Bornet, first fiddle at the Opera in Paris in 1770. He published a method for the violin.
      Borra was born at Turin. He published, about the year 1780, two concertos for the violin.
      ' Bott, Jean Joseph, born at Cassel 1826, He was the son of a court musician, A. Bott, who was his first teacher ; he afterwards became a pupil of L. Spohr. In 1841 he won the Mozart scholarship, in 1846 was solo violinist in the Electoral band, in 1852 was placed under Spohr as second capellmeister, in 1857 was appointed court capellmeister at Meiningen, and in 1865 held a similar post at Hanover. He then removed to Magdeburg and lived there for several years as a teacher. In 1884 he went to Hamburg, and the following year left there for America.

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Brest Nantes Borghi Luigi Pugnani London Handel Westminster Abbey Borghi Jensen Opera Paris Turin Jean Joseph Cassel Bott Spohr Mozart Electoral Spohr Meiningen Hanover Magdeburg Hamburg America His Two