A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 5 5
      Brook, an esteemed fiddler at Hare-wood, Yorkshire, in the early part of this century.
      Brooks, an excellent 'cellist, resident in London in the early part of this century. He fulfilled engagements at most of the great musical events in his time.
      Brown, Abraham, succeeded Festing, in 1752, as leader of some of the concerts at Ranelagh.
      Brown. There were three performers on the double-bass bearing this name living in Yorkshire in the early part of this century. Two lived at York, and the other at Leeds. They were all engaged at the York musical festival in 1823. ' Brunetti, gaetano,born at Pisa, 1753, died at Madrid, 1808. He was a pupil of Nardini's, and afterwards settled in Madrid, where he became acquainted with Boccherini, then conductor and composer to the Court, who willingly assisted the young arrival. Their acquaintance, however, instead of ripening into friendship resulted in Boccherini having to resign his position at the Court, a state of things brought about, it is thought, by intrigues carried on by Brunetti; a poor return for past favours. This ungrateful fiddler was a voluminous composer, but most of his compositions remain in manuscript, and are in the possession of Pic-quot,'the biographer of Boccherini.

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Hare-wood Yorkshire London Abraham Festing Ranelagh Yorkshire York Leeds York Brunetti Pisa Madrid Nardini Madrid Boccherini Court Boccherini Court Brunetti Pic-quot Boccherini Two They This