A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 5 5
      and sundry sets of tunes made for plays but upon his return, about the year 1740, he brought over with him a great quantity of music of his composing during his residence abroad, from the publication of which here, he hoped to derive considerable advantage; he was, however, disappointed in his expectations. He bequeathed his collection of musical instruments to Gresham College, with a stipend for someone to look after them.
      ' Corelli, Arcangelo, born at Fusig-nano, near Imola, Bologna February 1653, died at Rome i8<"h January, 1713. He is at once the greatest and earliest landmark in the annals of violin history of which we have an account. He was founder of the Roman school of violinists, the earliest known, as also the first to definitely fix the form of the sonata. He is said to have received his first instructions in counterpoint from Matteo Simonelli, of the papal chapel; his violin master being Giovanni Battista Bassani, of Bologna. Some writers aver that Corelli went to Paris in the year 1672, but was soon driven thence by the jealousy and violence of Lully. The question whether he did or did not make this journey is extremely problematical. That he visited Germany, after he had finished his studies, we are assured by Gaspar Prinz, who informs us that he was in the

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Gresham College Arcangelo Fusig-nano Imola Bologna February Rome January Roman Matteo Simonelli Giovanni Battista Bassani Bologna Corelli Paris Lully Germany Gaspar Prinz The That