A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      fugue in 1837, the second grand prix di Rome in 1838, and became professor of his instrument at the Paris Conservatoire in 1857; and at the same time he was appointed soloist in the orchestra at the Grand Opera, and a member of the Legion of Honour. He also, in 1857, was awarded the first prize by the Saint-C6cile Society of Bordeaux, for a quartet for string instruments ; in 1858 the first prize of the Imperial Society of Agriculture, at Valenciennes, for the Hymn to Agriculture; and in 1861 the prize given by the Academie and the Institute for quartet and chamber music. For the last thirty years Dancla has been actively engaged as a teacher and composer, and in this latter capacity he has been most prolific, his compositions exceeding 150, among which should be mentioned, 4 symphonies, Op. 6, 10, 29, 98, 4 concertos for violin and orchestra, Op. 77, 93, 94, 95 ; 8 quartets for strings, Op. 5, 7, 18, 41, 48, 56, 80, 87; 4 trios, and 30 duets for two violins. His educational works are, a " Methode elementaire et progressive de Violon," " Ecole de l'Expression,'' "Ecole de la Melodie," " Art de moduler sur le violon," etc.
      'Dancla, Leopold, born June 1st, 1823, a distinguished fiddler, pupil of Baillot at the Paris Conservatoire, where he took the 2nd prize in 1840, and the 1st in

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Rome Paris Conservatoire Grand Opera Legion Honour Saint-C Society Bordeaux Imperial Society Agriculture Valenciennes Hymn Agriculture Academie Institute Dancla Methode Violon Ecole Expression Melodie Dancla Leopold June Baillot Paris Conservatoire For His