A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      Uberden Bau der Geige
      for the Leipzig Allgemeine Musikalischc Zeitungia 1805.
      •Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, bom at Briinn, May 6th, 1814, died at Nice, October 8th, 1865, one of the greatest fiddlers of modern times. Inconsequence of his remarkable talent for music at a very early age, he was placed in the Conservatory at Vienna, and became a pupil of Joseph Bohm for the violin, and Seyfried for composition. At the age of sixteen he made his first concert tour, visiting Munich, Frankfort, and Stuttgart, where his playing excited great admiration. In 1832 he went to Paris in order to study the French style of playing, especially that of De Beriot, who was then at the zenith of his fame. From 1834 to '85° he travelled throughout Europe, visiting London in 1843, where he received a most enthusiastic reception. Towards the latter part of his life he suffered from nervous affection, which rendered it necessary that he should discontinue public performance. His compositions consist of nocturnos, a concerto fantasias. His "Elegy," Op. 10, and " Otello " fantasia, are still favourite concert pieces.
      Eysel.Johann Philipp, born at Erfurt, 1698, died there, 1763. 'Cellist and composer. He published solos for violin and flute, with thorough bass.

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Uberden Bau Geige Leipzig Allgemeine Musikalischc Zeitungia Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Briinn May Nice October Conservatory Vienna Joseph Bohm Seyfried Munich Frankfort Stuttgart Paris French De Beriot Europe London Otello Johann Philipp Erfurt Cellist His His