A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke
Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
pratici di musica con un saggio sopra l'arte disuonare il violmo annalizata, ed a dimostrabili principi ridotta, opera utilissima a chiunque vuol applicare con profitto alia musica e specialmente a' principianti, dilettanti, e professori di violino" (2 vols., 8vo, Rome, 1791-1796). This work is one of the earliest practical instruction books for the violin.
Galimberti, Ferdinand, a distinguished fiddler and instrumental composer at Milan, in the latter part of last century.
Gallo, Domenico, born in Venice about 1730. Fiddler and composer. His compositions (which are still in MS.) are sonatas for violin, and symphonies for two violins, viola, and 'cello ; also some church music.
Gamble, John, an English fiddler of the 17th century, pupil of Ambrose Bey-land. He was a cornet player in the Chapel Royal, and after that he was one of Charles II. band of fiddlers. His works are :—" Ayres and Dialogues to be sung to the Theorbo Lute or Bass Viol," words by Stanley (1657); and " Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two, and Three voyces " (1659).
Ganz, Adolf, born at Mainz, Oct. 14th, 1796, died in London, Nov. nth, 1869. Fiddler, pupil of Sebastian Hollbusch. In 1819 he was conductor at Mainz; in
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Dictionary Fiddlers Rome Ferdinand Milan Domenico Venice John English Ambrose Bey-land Chapel Royal Charles II Ayres Dialogues Theorbo Lute Bass Viol Stanley Ayres Dialogues One Two Three Adolf Mainz Oct London Nov Sebastian Hollbusch Mainz This Fiddler His His Fiddler