A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      of Accompaniment," and a " Method of Thorough Bass."
      'Gentili, Georges, born in Venice
      about 1668, died-? He was firstfiddler in the ducal chapel, Venice, and composed sonatas and concertos, published there between 1701 and 1708.
      Gerbini, Luigia, a pupil of Viotti. In 1799 she went to Lisbon, and performed some concertos, between the acts, at the Italian theatre. She was afterwards engaged at the same theatre as a singer, and proved equally successful as in instrumental music. In 1801 she went to Madrid, and, some years later visited London, where her violin playing met with marked success.
      Gervais, Pierre Noel, born at Mannheim about 1746, died at Bordeaux about 1805. One of the best pupils of Fraenzl. He arrived in Paris about 1784, and performed at the Concert Spirituel, with great success. In 1791 he went to Bor-deaux'as first violin in the Grand Theatre. Some of his music was published at Paris.
      Ghirett, Gasparo, born at Naples in 1747, died at Parma in 1827. Performer, pupil at the Conservatoire della Pieta; was chamber musician to the Duke of Parma. ' He composed several books of sonatas and caprices for violin, also music for the church.

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Accompaniment Method Thorough Bass Gentili Georges Venice Venice Luigia Viotti Lisbon Italian Madrid London Gervais Pierre Noel Mannheim Bordeaux Fraenzl Paris Concert Spirituel Bor-deaux Grand Theatre Paris Gasparo Naples Parma Conservatoire Pieta Duke Parma One Performer