A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      various occasional airs of his own composition, for instance, his ' Lamentation for Abucairney' and ' Loch Eroch side,' are striking specimens of feeling and power of embellishment. These were set and prepared for publication by his son Nathaniel." Neil died at Inver, near Dunkeld, in 1807. He left four sons: Nathaniel, before mentioned, Andrew, John, and William, all esteemed fiddlers.
      Graff, Carl, born at Also Eor, Hungary, May 20th, 1833, still living. Performer and composer, pupil at the Vienna Conservatorium, studying there the violin under Bohm, and composition under Sechter. After his studies he became solo violinist at the Theater an der Wien. He then undertook a concert tour visiting Austria, Hungary, and Turkey; after which he visited Paris and resumed his studies under Vieuxtemps, whom he subsequently accompanied on a concert tour and appeared in London. In 1858 he was engaged by Spohr as first solo violinist in Cassel; afterwards in a similar capacity in Marseilles, and later (1870) in Mentone. The compositions of Graff are somewhat numerous, and comprise music for the church, the theatre, and the concert-room. Amongst his works for the fiddle are: Conzertsttick for violin and orchestra; Fantaisie dramatique for violin and pianoforte ; Three string quartets ; Sonata for

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


Pagina (122/374)

Dictionary Fiddlers Lamentation Abucairney Loch Eroch Nathaniel Neil Inver Dunkeld Nathaniel Andrew John William Carl Also Eor Hungary May Vienna Conservatorium Bohm Sechter Theater Wien Austria Hungary Turkey Paris Vieuxtemps London Spohr Cassel Marseilles Mentone Graff Conzertsttick Fantaisie Three Sonata These Performer After The