A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      24th, 1859, still living, (1894). Highly esteemed performer on the 'cello, pupil of Emil Hegar for his instrument, and of Jadassohn for composition. While still young (15) he entered the famous Gewandhaus orchestra, and the following year came out as a virtuoso in Frankfort, and was appointed first 'cellist in the Gewandhaus orchestra and professor at the Leipzig Conservatorium. He has composed several works for his instrument among which, a concertino, Op. 7, and a concerto, Op. io, deserve notice.
      Klose, F. J., born in London in 1790, died there, March 8th, 1830. Excellent performer, pupil of F. Tomisch; was a member of several London orchestras. He composed sonatas for pianoforte and other music. He also published " Practical Hints for acquiring Thorough-Bass " London, 1822), and "Instruction Book or Pianoforte."
      Kontski, Apollinary de, born at Warsaw, Oct. 23rd, 1825, died there, June 29th, 1879. Virtuoso on the fiddle, pupil of his brother Charles. According to some writers Kontski, when only four years of age, played concertos by Rode and other masters, and made such a favourable impression on Paganini, who happened to hear him on his second public appearance in Paris, that the great master undertook to further develop the youth's

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


Pagina (162/374)

Dictionary Fiddlers Emil Hegar Jadassohn Gewandhaus Frankfort Gewandhaus Leipzig Conservatorium London March Tomisch London Practical Hints Thorough-Bass London Book Pianoforte Apollinary Warsaw Oct June Charles Kontski Rode Paganini Paris London Bass