A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke
Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
pianoforte and 'cello ; Pianoforte pieces ; Symphonies ; Music to Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans.
'Lee, Sebastian, born in Hamburg, December 24th, 1805, died there, January 4th, 1887. 'Cellist, brother of the preceding, pupil of J. N. Prell. From 1830 to 1836 he made concert tours and visited the principal towns of Germany, Paris, and London, after which he became solo 'cellist at the Opera, Paris, and remained so till 1868, finally settling in his native city. He composed variations, divertissements, fantasias for 'cello and orchestra; variations for 'cello and string quartet; duos for 'cello ; Method for the 'cello.
Lefebre, Jacques, born at Prinzlow, in the Uckernark, in 1723, died in 1777. Fiddler of merit in hi3 time, pupil of Emmanuel Bach for composition, became a member of the orchestra of Prince Henri, and after several years service was dismissed, so it is said, on account of some business which did not reflect to his credit. He then went to Berlin as a professor of his instrument. Shortly after this he was offered the post of chef d'orchestre at the French theatre, but before he could enter upon his duties in that capacity, he died. He published several solos for the violin, concertos, duets, and trios, several songs remain in manuscript.
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Dictionary Fiddlers Pianoforte Symphonies Music Schiller Jungfrau Orleans Lee Sebastian Hamburg December January Cellist Prell Germany Paris London Opera Paris Method Jacques Prinzlow Uckernark Emmanuel Bach Prince Henri Berlin French Fiddler