A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke
Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
St. Petersburg seems to have taken place between 1775 and 1778. After remaining there three years, he requested of the Empress a years' leave of absence ; at the same time he declared to Von Ditters-dorf, in Johannesberg, that he did not wish to remain any longer in Russia, and that his intention was never to return; that through the friendship of a physician (who had promised him a certificate of the weak state of his health) he, however, hoped to obtain an honourable discharge from the Empress. That he then would visit all the principal towns in Europe, add the profits which he might thus make to ten thousand guilders which he had already realized, and place these sums together in one of the banks of Europe, living afterwards on the interest. In 1788, Lolli was residing in Italy, and called himself there, conzertmeister to the Empress of Russia. In the year 1791 he went to Berlin with his son, then a child of only eight years old, when the latter received from the King a present of one hundred friedrichs-d'or for his ready and correct performance on the 'cello: The child also gave a concert in the same year at Copenhagen, but no mention is made in any of these places of the performance of the father. Compositions : concertos, sonatas, &c.
Lomagne, Joseph, born at Perpignan
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Dictionary Fiddlers Empress Von Ditters-dorf Johannesberg Russia Empress Europe Europe Lolli Italy Empress Russia Berlin King The Copenhagen Joseph Perpignan After That Compositions