A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      thusiasm, he has seized on the attention of the whole audience with such force and variety, as to prevent even a whisper tor more than an hour together, however crowded the room. After this it is easy to imagine that his reputation and abilities would enable him to accumulate wealth or to live in splendour; he chose the latter, took a great house, and indulging appetite, lived so luxuriously that he brought on diseases, which soon put an end to his existence.
      Maurer, Ludwig Wilhelm, born at Potsdam, Feb. 8th, 1789, died in St. Petersburg, Oct. 25th, 1878. Renowned performer and composer, pupil ot Haak. His first public appearance was at the age of thirteen, when he performed at a concert given by Mara, at Berlin, and met with great success. Soon after this he was admitted as chamber musician to the King of Prussia, and after serving some years in that capacity entered upon a series of concert tours, which eventually led him to Russia, where he remained some years. In 1818 he returned to Berlin, and shortly afterwards proceeded to Paris and met with an enthusiastic reception. The following year found him in Hanover in the capacity of conzert meister, a position he retained until 1832. On the invitation of a Russian nobleman he returned to St. Petersburg and became

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Ludwig Wilhelm Potsdam Feb Oct Haak Mara Berlin King Prussia Russia Berlin Paris Hanover Russian After Petersburg His Soon The Petersburg