A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      Moralt, Johann Baptist, born in Mannheim in 1777, died in Munich, Oct. 7th, 1825. Excellent fiddler, pupil of Can-nabich, and the second of four brothers (Joseph, Jacques, and Philippe who attracted much notice in Munich for their fine rendering of Haydn's quartets). Johann entered the Court band in 1792. Compositions: Two symphonies; Symphonic concertante for two violins ; Two string quartets ; Leq:ons methodiques for two violins ; Solos; A mass, and several other works for the church.
      Mori, Nicholas (Francois ?) born in London in 1796, died there, June 14th, 1839. Esteemed violinist, pupil of Viotti, under whom he made rapid progress, and appeared at concerts, whilst still young with great success. In the early years of the Royal Academy of Music, he was admitted as one of the principal professors ; his associates being Cramer, Spagnoletti, Kiesewetter, and Oury, the latter having been a former pupil of Mori. In 1813 Mori becameoneof the Directors of the Philharmonic Society, and remained so for several seasons. In 1819 he married the widow of Lavenu, the publisher, and became interested in the business. In 1836 he established his Classical Chamber concerts and continued the same until his death (1839). Although Mori was one of the most prominent English fiddlers of

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Johann Baptist Mannheim Munich Oct Can-nabich Joseph Jacques Philippe Munich Haydn Court Two Symphonic Two Leq Solos Nicholas Francois London June Viotti Royal Academy Music Cramer Spagnoletti Kiesewetter Oury Mori Mori Directors Philharmonic Society Lavenu Classical Chamber Mori English Johann Compositions Esteemed Although