A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      orchestras. Compositions: Twelve string quartets ; Quintet for violins, viola and bass; Sonatas for violin; Six symphonies.
      Nazzari, a pupil of Carmante, and esteemed fiddler in Venice in 1770, was then considered as one of the best performers in Italy.
      Neruda, Wilhelmine, (now Lady Halle), born March 21st, 1838. Eminent virtuoso, pupil of Jansa. In 1846, when barely seven years of age, the young artist, and her sister Amelia, a gifted youngpianistemade theirfirst appearance in Vienna, when the subject of this notice raised considerable astonishment for the admirable manner in which she managed the bow, as well as her great execution, in spite of her small hands. From Vienna she was conducted to the north of Germany, visiting tn rout Leipzig, Berlin, Breslaw, Hamburg; and other German cities. From Germany she travelled into England and appeared at a Philharmonic concert on June nth, 1849, playing on this occasion a concerto of de Beriot's. Immediately after this the young artist and her guardian returned to the continent and passed several years in travelling, Russia being particularly favoured. In 1864 Mile. Neruda was in Paris playing at the Pasdeloup concerts as alsothoseof the Conservatoire, with increasing success and enthusiasm. During

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Twelve Quintet Sonatas Six Carmante Venice Italy Wilhelmine Lady Halle March Jansa Amelia Vienna Vienna Germany Leipzig Berlin Breslaw Hamburg German Germany England Philharmonic June Beriot Russia Mile Paris Pasdeloup Conservatoire Neruda During