A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      Vienna and became acquainted with Mozart, Haydn, and Wranitzky; then appears to have led a wandering life, giving concerts and composing. In 1789 he was appointed Kappellmeister to Prince Wielburg, but on the disband-ment of the orchestra, brought about by the French revolution, he went to Mun-den and later to Biickeburg, where he was appointed Court violinist and composer, afterwards succeeding J. C. F. Bach as Kappellmeister. His death at the early age of 35 was due in a great measure to intemperance. Compositions: 12 symphonies; 10 string quartets; Duets, trios and sonatas for violin ; 'Cello, flute and pianoforte concertos; Flute duets and trios ; Sonatas for violin, pianoforte, and bass ; Cantatas, etc.
      Nochez, born about 1725, died in Paris in the year 1800. 'Cellist, pupil of Cer-vetto and Abaco. After having travelled in several foreign countries, and especially in Italy, he returned to France, entered the orchestra of the Op6ra Comique and shortly afterwards that of the Grand Opera. In 1763 he was nominated chamber musician to the King and remained as such until 1799, when he retired on a pension. It is this artist who compiled the article Violoncello, which is found in La Borde's Essai sur la Musique, pp. 309-323.

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


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Dictionary Fiddlers Mozart Haydn Wranitzky Kappellmeister Prince Wielburg French Mun-den Biickeburg Court Bach Kappellmeister Duets Cello Flute Sonatas Cantatas Paris Cellist Cer-vetto Abaco Italy France Comique Grand Opera King Violoncello La Borde Essai Musique His Compositions After