A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers. 1.09
      Dresden; and before that period had visited England and France, where her performances had been highly applauded. She composed a quantity of violin music, a great part of which was published at Amsterdam. The following letter was translated and published by Dr. Burney, in 1779. It is a letter from Tartini to the artist under notice, and the advice therein contained may be read with profit even in these days :—
      Padua, March 5th, 1760.
      My very much esteemed slgnora maddalena, " Finding myself at length disengaged from the weighty business which has so long prevented me from performing my promise to you, a promise which was made with too much sincerity for my want of punctuality not to afflict me, I shall begin the instructions you wish from me, by letter ; and if I should not explain myself with sufficient clearness, I entreat you to tell me your doubts and difficulties, in writing, which I shall not fail to remove in a future letter
      Your principal practice and study should, at present, be confined to the use and power of the bow, in order to make yourself entirely mistress in the execution and expression of whatever can be played or sung, within the compass and ability of your instrument. Your first study, therefore, should be the true manner of holding, balancing, and pressing the bow lightly, but steadily, upon the strings, in such manner as that it shall seem to breathe the first tone it gives, which

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


Pagina (293/374)

Dictionary Fiddlers England France Amsterdam Tartini March Finding Your The Your