A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers di A. Mason Clarke

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      3 18 Biographical [Dictionary of Fiddlers.
      his steps to Paris, where he made his debut at the Concerts Spirituels, in the spring of 1782. F6tis tells us that the appearance of Viotti in Paris produced a sensation difficult to describe. He on that occasion performed a concerto of his own composition, in which the Parisians observed an originality of style that appeared to fix the limits of this kind of performance, a fruitful imagination, a happy freedom, and all the fire of youth, tempered by a pure and noble taste. The audience applauded the beautiful movements in this concerto, which from the very first bars announced the genius of the composer and that development of original thought, where the progression of sentiment raises the effect to the highest degree. With respect to Viotti's execution, the enthusiasm was extraordinary; the finish of his adagio, the brilliancy of his allegro, the energy and grace of the ensemble, won the favour of every hearer. The Queen (Marie Antoinette), now desired that Viotti should come to Versailles to perform at one of the Court concerts. The day was fixed, most of the nobility had arrived, and the music had commenced with a foIo by Viotti, the first bars of which commanded thegreatest attention, when suddenly a cry was heard in the adjoining apartment, " Make room for the Count d'Artois " ; which interrup-

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A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers
including performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass past and present
di A. Mason Clarke
Wm. Reeves London
1895 pagine 360


Pagina (344/374)

Biographical Dictionary Fiddlers Paris Concerts Spirituels Viotti Paris Parisians Viotti Queen Marie Antoinette Viotti Versailles Court Viotti Make Count Artois The The The