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Investigaciones sobre costos y beneficios en las industrias pesqueras primarias - un estudio de los conceptos y definiciones / por E. A. Ovenden
Roma - FAO, 1961 (Spoleto ; Roma - Tip. Panetto & Petrelli)
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Irrigation by sprinkling / prepared by Aldert Molenaar
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - FAO, 1962 (Spoleto , Roma - Tip. Panetto & Petrelli)
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Irrigation, drainage and salinity - an international source book / FAO/UNESCO
London - Hutchinson ; Roma - FAO ; Paris - UNESCO
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L' Italia con la FAO per lo sviluppo sostenibile - giornata mondiale dell'alimentazione '99 - 16 ottobre 1999
Roma - Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1999
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Laboratory training manual on radioimmunoassay in animal reproduction - a joint undertaking / by the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - IAEA, 1984
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Laboratory training manual on the use of isotopes and radiation in animal research - a joint undertaking / by the Food and agriculture organization of the United nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1969
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Laboratory training manual on the use of isotopes and radiation in entomology / a joint undertaking by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna - IAEA, 1977
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Laboratory training manual on the use of nuclear and associated techniques in pesticide research / a joint undertaking by the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1991
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Laboratory training manual on the use of nuclear techniques in pesticide research / a joint undertaking by the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1983 - 291 p. - ill. ; 24 cm., 1983 - 291 p. - ill.
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Le lait et les produits laitiers dans la nutrition humaine / FAO
Roma - FAO, 1995
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Land evaluation for forestry / FAO
Rome - FAO, 1984
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Land, food and people - based on the FAO/UNFPA/IIASA report Potential population-supporting capacities of lands in the developing world
Rome - Food and agriculture organization of the united nations, 1985
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Learning from China - a report on agriculture and the Chinese peoples communes / by an FAO study mission
Rome - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1978
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Les produits alimentaires au service du progres - Un systeme d'utilistion des excedents - 2. edition / FAO
Rome - Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, 1962
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Limites et statut des mers territoriales, des zones de peche exclusives, des zones de conservation des pecheries et du plateau continental (avec reference particulier aux peches) / FAO
Rome - ONU, 1970
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