seguito Africa
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Moisseron, Jean-Yves
Changements visibles ou invisibles- la question de l'émergence de l'économie égyptienne? / Jean-Yves Moisseron et Françoise Clément
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Moitt, Bernard
Cheikh Anta Diop and the african diaspora- historical continuity and socio-cultural symbolism / Bernard Moitt
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Mojola, Yemi
Women as axe-men of womanism in the works of selected francophone female novelists of West Africa / Yemi Mojola
Incluso in > Themes in african literature in French - a collection of essays / edited by Sam Ade Ojo and Olusola Oke
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Mokgatle, Naboth
The autobiography of an unknown South African / by Naboth Mokgatle
London - C. Hurst & Co., c1971
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Mokgatle, Naboth
The autobiography of an unknown South African / Naboth Mokgatle
Berkeley ; Los Angels - University of California press, 1971
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Mokgatle, Nabouth
The autobiography of an unknown South African / Nabouth Mokgatle
Parklands - Donker, 1990
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Mokhtar, G.
L' Africa antica / G. Mokhtar
Incluso in > Uomini e libri - rivista letteraria
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Moknèche, Nadir
Cinéma. Nadir Moknèche. "Avoir été censuré en Algérie a été très douloureux" / Propos recueillis par Renaud de Rochebrune
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Mokoena, Hlonipha
The queen's bishop- a convert's memoir of John W. Colenso / Hlonipha Mokoena
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
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Mokonyane, Dan
Soweto and the next perspectives / Dan Mokonyane
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Mokwenye, Cyril
La polygamie et la révolte de la femme africaine moderne- une lecture d'Une si longue lettre de Mariama Bâ / Cyril Mokwenyé
Incluso in > Peuples noirs - Peuples africains - directeur Mongo Beti
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Mokwenye, Cyril
Senghor as pre-independence negritude poet / Cyril Mokwenye
Incluso in > Themes in african literature in French - a collection of essays / edited by Sam Ade Ojo and Olusola Oke
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Molan, Peter D.
Medieval western arabic - reconstructing elements of the dialects of Al-Andalus, Sicily and North Africa from the Lahn Al-'Ammah literature / by Peter D. Molan
Ann Arbor - UMI, stampa 2000
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Molari, Carlo
Teologia africana. Ascoltateci / di Carlo Molari
Incluso in > Nigrizia - rivista mensile dei missionari comboniani
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Molchanova, Ye. K.
Sivandi - Main trends of Development - paper presented at the 32. International Congress for Asian and North African Studies (Hamburg, 1986) / Ye. K. Molchanova
Moscow - Nauka Publishers Central Department of Oriental Literature, 1986
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