Pagina nr. 1552 di 1587 |
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Feuille federale Belp (Ch) - Jordi Pubblicazione Periodica Swan, Jane A biography of Patriarch Tikhon / by Jane Swan Jordanville - Holy trinity monastery, 1964 Testo Monografico Swart, Koenraad Walter The sense of decadence in Nineteenth century France / Koenraad W. Swart The Hague - M. Nijhoff, 1964 Testo Monografico Swieten, Gerhard - van Gerardi B. De Van Swieten ... Commentaria in omnes aphorismos Hermanni Boerhaave de cognoscendis, et curandis morbis Venetiis - Typis Jo. Baptistæ Pasquali, 1761-1772 Testo Monografico Syme, Ronald (1903-1989) Sallust / by Ronald Syme Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on Biological Effects of Neutron Irradiations (1963 ; Upton, N.Y.) Biological effects of neutron and proton irradiations / proceedings of the Symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, 7-11 October 1963 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments (1963 ; Amsterdam) Exponential and critical experiments / proceedings of the Symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-6 September 1963 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on fruit tree virus diseases (5. ; 1962 ; Bologna) Proceedings of the 5. European Symposium on fruit tree virus diseases - held in Bologna 1 - 8 June 1962 under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of agriculture and forestry Bologna - Edizioni agricole, c1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on isotope mass effects in chemistry and biology (1963 ; Vienna) Isotope mass effects in chemistry and biology - proceedings of the symposium on isotope mass effects in chemistry and biology held in Vienna, Austria, 9-13 December, 1963 London - Butterworths, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on medical radioisotope scanning (1964 ; Atene) Medical radioisotope scanning / proceedings of the Symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Athens, 20-24 April 1964 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on physics and material problems of reactor control rods (1963 ; Vienna) Physics and materials problems of reactor control rods / proceedings of the Symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Vienna, 11-15 November 1963 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on radiological health and safety in mining and milling of nuclear materials (1963 ; Vienna) Radiological health and safety in mining and millings of nuclear materials / proceedings of the Symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the International Labour Organization, and the World Health Organization in Vienna, 26-31 August 1963 Vienna - IAEA, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man (1964 ; Heidelberg) Assessment of radioactivity in man - proceedings of the Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man, held by the International Atomic Energy Agency, International Labour Organisation and World Health Organization at Heidelberg, 11-16 May 1964 Vienna - IAEA, 1964 Testo Monografico Symposium «Microstructure of Ceramic Materials» (1963 ; Pittsburgh) Microstructure of ceramic materials - Proceedings of a Symposium April 27-28, 1963, held under the auspices of the Ceramic National Council of American Ceramic Society, with the cooperation of the National Bureau of Standards Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1964 Testo Monografico Szabó, Magda L' altra Ester - romanzo / Magda Szabo Milano - G. Feltrinelli, 1964 Testo Monografico |