Pagina nr. 957 di 1665 |
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New York- Linguistic circle, 1945- Pubblicazione Periodica The world agricultural situation in ... - economic commentary on the International yearbook of agricultural statistics for ... / International institute of agriculture Rome - International institute of agriculture, 1935- Pubblicazione Periodica World directory of mathematicians / published under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union and with the co-operation of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Bombay - School of Mathematics-Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1958- . Testo Monografico World food programme journal Lanham - Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations Pubblicazione Periodica World health statistics annual / World health organization Geneve - WHO Pubblicazione Periodica The world history of the jewish people Tel Aviv - Massadah, 1964-77 Testo Monografico World list of scientific periodicals published in the years 1900-1960 London - Butterworths, 1963-1965 Testo Monografico The world of learning London - Europa, 1947-2004 Pubblicazione Periodica World review of animal production / World association for animal production Roma - World review of animal production - poi International publishing enterprises, 1965 - Pubblicazione Periodica World review of nutrition and dietetics Basel (etc. - S. Karger, 1959- Pubblicazione Periodica The world today - Chatam house review / Royal institute of international affairs London - Royal institute of public affairs, 1945- Pubblicazione Periodica Wort und Wahrheit - Monatsschrift fur Religion und Kultur Freiburg - Herder, 1946-1973 Pubblicazione Periodica Wurzburger geographische Arbeiten - Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Wurzburg Wurzburg - im Selbstverlag des Instituts fur Geographie der Universitat Wurzburg, 1953- Pubblicazione Periodica Wurzburger Jahrbucher fur die Altertumswissenschaft Wurzburg - Kommissionsverlag Ferdinand Schoningh, 1946- Pubblicazione Periodica La xilografia - rivista delle arti grafiche ed affini Foligno - Francesco Salvati Pubblicazione Periodica |