Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1968

Pagina nr. 1852 di 1869       

Vrabie, Gheorghe
Folcloristica romāna - evoluyie, curente, metode
Bucure ti - Ed. pentru literatura, 1968
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Vredeman de Vries, Jan
Perspectiva theoretica ac pratica. Hoc est, Opus opticum absolutissimum ... Studio atque opera Iannis Vredemanni Frisii; multis vero notis illustratur per Samuelem Marolois ..
Amstelodami - sumtibus ac typis Ioannis Ianssonii, 1632-1633
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Vrubel', Michail Aleksandrovic
Mihail Aleksandrovic Vrubel' - 1856-1910 / vstupitel'naja stat'ja A.A. Fedorova-Davydova
Moskva - Iskusstvo, 1968
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Vygodskaja, Klavdija Semenovna
Kratkij francuzsko-russkij i russko-francuzskij slovar' / sostavili K. S Vygodskaja i O. L. Dolgopolova
Moskva - Sovetskaja Enciklopedija, 1968
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Vįclav, Krįl
Prestuplenija protiv Evropy / Vaclav Kral'
Moskva - Mysl', 1968
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Vata ianu, Virgil
Istoria artei feudale īn Tarile Romīne
Bucuresti - Academia Republicii Populare Romīne, 1959-
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Vasaru, Gheorge
Thermal diffusion - a bibliography / compiled by Gheorge Vasaru and Ilie Rāp
Vienna - IAEA, 1968
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Wachsmuth, Wilhelm
Geschichte der politischen Parteiung alter und neuer Zeit
Hildesheim - G. Olms, 1968
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Wade, Allan
A bibliography of the writings of W. B. Yeats
London - Hart-Davis, 1968
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Wade, Emlyn Capel Stewart
Constitutional law - An outline of the law and practice of the Constitution including central and local government, the citizen and the state and administrative law
London - Longmans, 1968
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Wade, Mason
The French Canadians - 1760-1967
Toronto - Mac Millan of Canada ; London - MacMillan and Co. ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 1968
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Wagenbach, Klaus
Kafka / Klaus Wagenbach ; traduzione di Ervino Pocar
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1968
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Wagenbach, Klaus
Kafka par lui-mźme / Klaus Wagenbach ; traduction Alain Huriot
Paris - Ed. du Seuil, c1968
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Wagley, Charles
The Latin-American tradition - Essays on the unity and the diversity of Latin American culture / by Charles Wagley
New York ; London - Columbia University Press, 1968
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Wagner, Johann Jacob
Organon der menschlichen Erkenntniss / von Johann Jacob Wagner
Bruxelles - Culture et Civilisation, 1968
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