Pagina nr. 398 di 3019 |
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Edinburgh (etc.) - Blackwood, 1859 Incluso in > The chemistry of common life / by James F. W. Johnston Testo Monografico 2 / by James Hutchison Stirling London - Longman (etc.), 1865 Incluso in > The secret of Hegel - being the Hegelian system in origin, principle, form, and matter / by James Hutchison Stirling Testo Monografico 2 / by James Kent New York - O. Halsted, 1832 Incluso in > Commentaries on American law / by James Kent Testo Monografico 2 / by John Ayrton Paris London - H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1831 Incluso in > The life of Sir Humphry Davy, bart. ll.d. late president of the Royal society, foreign associate of the Royal institute of France ... / by John Ayrton Paris Testo Monografico 2 / by John Beckmann London - Henry G. Bohn, 1846 Incluso in > A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins / by John Beckmann , traslated from the German by William Johnston Testo Monografico 2 / by John Craig London - Routledge, 1858 Incluso in > A new universal etymological, technological, and pronouncing dictionary of the English language, embracing all the terms used in science, literature, and art / by John Craig Testo Monografico 2 / by John Gould London - published by the author, 1865 Incluso in > Handbook to the birds of Australia / by John Gould Testo Monografico 2 / by John Lothrop Motley London - Warne, (18..) Incluso in > The rise of the Dutch Republic - a history / by John Lothrop Motley Testo Monografico 2 / by John Poole London - H. Colburn, 1835 Incluso in > Sketches and recollections / by John Poole Testo Monografico 2 / by John Sewell London - J. Weale, 1853 Incluso in > Elementary treatise on steam and locomotion, based on the principle of connecting science with practice, in a popular form / by John Sewell Testo Monografico 2 / by John Stuart Mill London - John W. Parker, 1859 Incluso in > Dissertations and discussions - political, philosophical and historical / by John Stuart Mill Testo Monografico 2 / by Joseph John Murphy London - Macmillan, 1869 Incluso in > Habit and intelligence - in their connexion with the laws of matter and force - a series of scientific essays / by Joseph John Murphy Testo Monografico 2 / by Martyn Paine New York - Collins, Keese ; London - J. Churchill, 1840 Incluso in > Medical and physiological commentaries / by Martyn Paine Testo Monografico 2 / by Mary Somerville London - J. Murray, 1869 Incluso in > On molecular and microscopic science / by Mary Somerville Testo Monografico 2 / by mrs. Edwards Leipzig - B. Tauchnitz, 1867 Incluso in > Archie Lovell - a novel / by mrs. Edwards Testo Monografico |