Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1800-1870

Pagina nr. 944 di 3019       

Enciclopedia ecclesiastica - in cui trattasi della sacra scrittura, della dogmatica, morale, ascetismo, passioni, vizii, virtu, diritto canonico, liturgia, riti, storia ecclesiastica, missioni, concilii, eresie, scismi, biografia e bibliografia ecclesiastiche ... / compilata da una societa di ecclesiastici ... ; e diretta dall'ill. e rev. mons. fr. Pietro dott. Pianton
Venezia - Stabilimento tip. enciclopedico di Girolamo Tasso edit., 1854-1864
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Encyclographie des sciences médicales - répertoire général de ces sciences, au 19. siècle
Bruxelles - Établissement encyclographique, (1833-)
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Encyclopédie comique, ou Recueil français d'anecdotes, traits d'esprit, bons mots, originalites, aventures, meprises, rebus, naïvetés ... Extraits de tous les ouvrages de ce genre qui ont paru jusqu'a ce jour. Tome premier °-trisième
A Paris - chez Barba ... , an XII - 1803
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Encyclopédie méthodique. Histoire naturelle des vers
A Paris - chez Panckoucke, libraire, hotel de Thou, rue des Poitevins ; a Liège - chez Plomteux, imprimeurs des Etats
Incluso in > Encyclopedie methodique
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2- Encyclopédie, histoire littéraire, philosophie, histoire naturelle, belles-lettres, livres espagnols et portugais, auteurs grecs et latins, incunables, livres rares et curieux, livres avec gravures, imprimés sur vèlin, xylographe - dont la vente aura lieu à Paris, le jeudi e fèvrier 1859 et jours suivants
Paris - A. Franck, (1858 )
Incluso in > Catalogue d'une collection de livres precieux et importants, provenant pour la plupart de la bibliotheque de feu m. Etienne Quatremere de l'Istitut
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2- English and Italian / compiled by Guglielmo Comelati and John Davenport
London - Longman etc. , 1868
Incluso in > A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages - based upon that of Baretti ... / compiled by John Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati
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The English drama purified- being a specimen of select plays, in which all the passages that have appeared to the editor to be objectionable in point of morality, are omitted or altered ... By James Plumptre ... vol. 1 °-3.
Cambridge - printed by f. Hodson- and sold by F. C. and J. Rivington ... °etc. , 1812 ( Cambridge - Hodson printer)
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English essays
Hamburg - O. Meissner
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The english instructor or Useful and entertaining passages in prose, selected from the most eminent english writers, and designed for the use and improvement of those who learn that language
Leghorn - printed by Glaucus Masi, 1828
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The english reader, or Pieces in prose and poetry selected from the best writers designed to assist young persons ... With a preliminary observations on the principles of good reading. By Lindley Murray ..
York - printed by Thomas Wilson & son ... (etc.), 1809
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Enoteca italiana, ossia Collezione di sessanta ritratti d'illustri italiani
Firenze - L. Ducci e C., 1857
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Enrichetta Sava - sua vita e suoi scritti
Italia - (s.n.), 1870
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Enrichetta Sava - sua vita e suoi scritti
Italia - s.n. , 1870
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An entirely new & accurate survey of the County of Kent, with part of the County of Essex / done by the surveying draftsmen of His Majesty's honourable Board of Ordance on the basis of the trigonometrical survey carried on by their orders under the direction of Capt.n W. Mudge
London - W. Faden, January 1801

Epicedi alla cara e virtuosa memoria di Giulia Majoli Amiani mancata a' vivi il giorno 11 maggio 1839
Fano - tip. Lana, 1840
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