Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1800-1870

Pagina nr. 1614 di 3019       

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Philosophie de Kant / par Victor Cousin
Paris - Librairie nouvelle, 1857
Testo Monografico

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Philosophie de Locke / par M. Victor Cousin
Paris - Didier et C., 1861
Testo Monografico

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Philosophie sensualiste au dix-huitième siècle / par Victor Cousin
Paris - Librairie nouvelle, 1856
Testo Monografico

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Philosophie écossaise / par Victor Cousin
Paris - Librairie nouvelle, 1857
Testo Monografico

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Premiers essais de philosophie / par m. Victor Cousin
Paris - Didier et, 1862
Testo Monografico

Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Études sur Pascal / par Victor Cousin
Paris - Didier, 1857
Testo Monografico

Cousin-Despréaux, Louis
Lezioni della natura ovvero l'istoria naturale, la fisica, e la chimica presentate allo spirito e al cuore- opera di Luigi D. già corrispondente dell'Accademia d'inscrizioni e belle lettere, trasportata dall'idioma francese nell'italiano. Vol. 1. -12
Firenze - presso Dom. Ciardetti in Borgo Ognissanti, 1805-1806
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Coussemaker, Charles Edmond Henri - de (1805-1876)
Histoire de l'harmonie au moyen age
Paris - V. Didron, 1852
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Coutans, Guillaume
Atlas topographique en 16 feuilles des environs de Paris - a la distance d'environ 8 myriamètres, ou 18 lieues, dans sa moyenne etendue / dressé sur une echelle de 51 millimètres pour 2 kilomètres, 4 lignes pour 300 toises, par Dom. G. Coutans
Paris - chez Ch.les Picquet - Deterville, An 8. 1800

Couzinie, J.-P.
Dictionnaire de la langue romano-castraise et des contrees limitrophes / par M. J.-P. Couzinie
Castres - Cautie et A. Rey, 1850
Testo Monografico

Cowell, Augusta
King Frederick's camp - ballad / the poetry by the hon.ble Norton ; the music by miss Cowell
London - Chappell, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Cowen, Frederic Hymen
It was a dream - song - no. 2 in E / words by R. E. Francillon ; music by Frederic H. Cowen
London - Boosey, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Cowper, William (1731-1800)
5- The poetical works of William Cowper. 1 / edited by Roberth Southey
London - Bohn, 1854
Incluso in > The works of William Cowper - comprising his poems, correspondence, and translations - with a life of the author / by the editor Robert Southey, LL. D. ; illustrated with fifty fine engravings
Testo Monografico

Cowper, William (1731-1800)
6- The poetical works of William Cowper. 2 / edited by Robert Southey
London - Bohn, 1854
Incluso in > The works of William Cowper - comprising his poems, correspondence, and translations - with a life of the author / by the editor Robert Southey, LL. D. ; illustrated with fifty fine engravings
Testo Monografico

Cox, E. T.
First annual report of the geological survey of Indiana made during the year 1869 / by E. T. Cox
Indianapolis - Alexander H. Conner, 1869
Testo Monografico