Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1800-1870

Pagina nr. 2877 di 3019       

Thomas, Charles Louis Ambroise
Le songe d'une nuit d'été - opera comica in 3 atti /riduzione per canto e pianoforte di M. Vauthrot ; (musica di) A. Thomas
Paris - L. Escudier , (18..)
Musica (stampa)

Thomas, John Rogers
Down by the gate - ballad / written by Geo. W. Birdseye ; music composed by J. R. Thomas
Boston - G. D. Russell, °1864
Musica (stampa)

Thomas, John Rogers
Happy be thy dreams - ballad / words by J. E. Carpenter ; music by J. R. Thomas
London - R. Cocks, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Thomas, John Rogers
Mary of the wildwood - song & chorus / sung by T. B. Prendergast ; written & composed by J. R. Thomas
New York - Firth, °1864
Musica (stampa)

Thompson, Alex M.
Tom Jones - a comic opera / written by A. M. Thompson & R. Courtneidge ; lyrics by Chas. H. Taylor ; music by Edward German
London - Chappell, (18..)
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Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Poetical works of James Thomson / edited with a memoir by Robert Bell
London - Griffin, (18..)
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Thomson, James (1700-1748)
The poetical works of James Thomson volume 1 °- 2
London - William Pickering, 1830 (London - printed by C. Whittingham, Tooks court)
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Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Le stagioni di Giacomo Thomson corrispondenti all'originale inglese tradotte da Patrizio Muschi ..
Firenze - presso Giuseppe Molini all'insegna di Dante, 1826
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Thomson, Thomas (1773-1852)
Systeme de chimie de m. Th. Thomson, professeur a l'universite d'Edimbourg; traduit de l'anglais sur la derniere edition de 1807; par m. Jn. Riffault; precede d'une introduction de M.C.L. Berthollet, membre de l'institut. Tome premier (-neuvieme)
Paris - (Henri Louis Perronneau) - mad. v.e Bernard, libraire, quai des Augustins no. 25, 1809 ((Parigi) - imprimerie de H. Perronneau)
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Thomé, François-Luc-Joseph (1850-1909)
Simple aveu - pour violon et piano / di Thomé F.
Paris - Durand , (18..)
Musica (stampa)

Thonissen, J. J.
Etudes sur l'histoire du droit criminel des peuples anciens - Inde Brahmanique, Egypte, Judee / par J. J. Thonissen
Bruxelles - Bruylant Christophe & Comp. ; Paris - A. Durand & Pedone Lauriel, 1869
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Thorin, Ernest
Répertoire bibliographique des ouvrages de législation, de droit et de jurisprudence en matière civile, administrative, commerciale et criminelle, publiès spècialement en France depuis 1789 jusqu'à la fin de novembre 1865 accompagné de quelques comptes rendus extraits des principaux recueils juridiciaires et suivi d'une table analytique et raisonnée des matières / mis en ordre Ernest Thorin
Paris - A. Durand, 1866
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Thornbury, Walter
Old and new London - a narrative of its history, its people, and its places / by Walter Thornbury
London (etc.) - Cassel, Petter & Galpin
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Thornton, Henry (1760-1815)
Family prayers, and prayers on the ten commandments, &. to which is added a family commentary upon the Sermon on the Mount / by the late Henry Thornton ; edited by the right rev. Manton Eastburn, D. D
New York - Stanford and Swords, 1849
Testo Monografico

Thornton, William Thomas
On labour - its wrongful claims and rightful dues, its actual present and possible future / William Thomas Thornton
Roma - Bizzarri, stampa 1969
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