Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1898-1899

Pagina nr. 1818 di 2180       

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
April-song with or without chorus / words from songs of spring Elde Darby ; composed for voice and piano by Ch.les Oberthur
London - Schott, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
6- The dance of the leaves - duet / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür
London - Wessel, °18..
Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
1- First love - op. 74 / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür
London - Wessel, °18..
Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
3- May song - (duet) / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür
London - Wessel, °18..
Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
7- Music and moonlight - op. 75 / words by Elde Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür
London - Wessel, °18..
Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
O were my love the fresh red rose / composed by C. Oberthur ; rendered into English from the German by Eleanor Darby
London - Boosey, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
Reiterlied - trooper's song / translated from the German of G. Herwegh by C. Darby ; composed for voice and piano by Ch.les Oberthür
London - Schott, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
Romance Peering o'er the hill of the operatha The spirit of the hartz / the words by Elde Darby ; the music by Ch.les Oberthür
London - Schott, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
The rose and the heart - song for mezzo soprano (or barytone) and piano, op. 124 / dedicated to Augustine Sargood by Charles Oberthür
London - Wessel, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895)
The sailors invitation - song for voice and piano, op. 40 / composed and dedicated to mr. F. Kingsbury by Charles Oberthür
London - Schott, °18..
Musica (stampa)

Oberthür, Karl (arpista ; 1819-1895)
Sérénade mauresque / Charles Oberthür
Paris - Leduc, °19/te
Musica (stampa)

Oberti, G.
Elementi di computisteria, ad uso delle scuole tecniche
Genova - Tip. Sordomuti, 1899
Testo Monografico

Oberti, G.
Esercizi di applicazione al programma di computisteria per le scuole tecniche
Genova - Tip. Istituto Sordomuti, 1899
Testo Monografico

Obè, Ulisse
Per il centenario della pila voltiana - Cenni storici, biografici, illustrativi sulla vita, studi e scoperte del sommo fisico Alessandro Volta
Genova - Stab. Tip. Gaetano Schenone, 1899
Testo Monografico

Occella, Federico
Questioni di massimo e minimo dipendenti da equazioni di secondo grado, ad uso delle scuole secondarie superiori / Federico Occella
Casale - Tip. Lit. Cassone, 1898
Testo Monografico