Pagina nr. 4903 di 5561 |
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Proceedings of the ... International congress of the international society for applied ethology Wheathampstead - UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica International society of haematology - European division Dipiridamolo (Persantin) e aggregazione piastrinica / moderatore- P. De Nicola Firenze - Boehringer Ingelheim, stampa 1972 Testo Monografico International Symposium of Paedolinguistics (1. ; 1970 ; Brno) Colloquium paedolinguisticum - proceedings of the first International Symposium paedolinguistics held at Brno, 14-16 October 1970 / edited by Karel Ohnesorg The Hague ; Paris - Mouton, 1972 Testo Monografico International symposium on gas chromatography-mass (1972 ; Isola d'Elba) Proceedings of the International symposium on gas chromatography-mass spectometry - Isle of Elba, Italy / edited by Alberto Frigerio Milano - Tamburini, 1972 Testo Monografico International symposium on hypoglycaemia and diazoxide (1971 ; Venezia) Hypoglycaemia and diazoxide - proceedings of the International symposium on hypoglycaemia and diazoxide - Venice, Fondazione G. Gini, Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore, October 15-16th 1971 / edited by M. Austoni...(ed altri) - Padova - CEDAM, 1972 Testo Monografico International symposium on inhalation therapy (1970 ; Napoli) Proceeding of the International symposium on inhalation therapy - Naples, November 2 and 3, 1970 Torino - Minerva medica, 1970- . Testo Monografico International symposium on inhalation therapy (1970 ; Napoli) Proceedings of the International symposium on *inhalation therapy - Naples, November 2 and 3, 1970 / A. Blasi, G. Melillo (editors) Torino - Minerva medica, 1970- Testo Monografico International Symposium on Protein and Polypeptide Hormones (2. ; 1971 ; Liegi) Structure-activity relationships of protein and polypeptide hormones - proceedings of the second International Symposium, Liège, September 28-October 1, 1971 / editors M. Margoulies and F. C. Greenwood Liège - Université de Liège ; Amsterdam - Excerpta Medica, 1971-1972 Testo Monografico International symposium on The diagnosis and chemotherapy of urogenital bacterial protozoal and mycotic infections (1971 ; Firenze) Proceedings of an International symposium on The diagnosis and chemotherapy of urogenital bacterial protozoal and mycotic infections - Florence, Italy, May 21-22, 1971 / editor F. Gasparri ; co-editors P. Periti, G. Gargani Firenze - Edizioni mediche P. Periti, 1972 Testo Monografico International symposium on The diagnosis and chemotherapy of urogenital bacterial protozoal and mycotic infections (1971 ; Firenze) Proceedings of an International symposium on The diagnosis and chemotherapy of urogenital bacterial protozoal and mycotic infections - Florence, Italy, May 21-22, 1971 / editor F. Gasparri ; co-editors P. Periti, G. Gargani Firenze - Edizioni Mediche P. Periti, 1972 Testo Monografico International Symposium «Man's right to knowledge» (1964 ; New York) Man's right to knowledge - An international symposium presented in honor of the two-hundredth anniversary of Columbia University, 1754-1954 New York - Muschel, 1954- . Testo Monografico Internationaler Graphischer Restauratorentag (2. ; 1971 ; Vienna-Budapest) Tagungsbericht 2. Internationaler graphischer Restauratorentag, 1971 - veranstalt von der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschraft der Archiv, Bibliotheks-und Graphikrestauratoren (IADA) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Restaurierung an der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien und dem Ungarischen Staatsarchiv, Budapest vom 6. bis 8. September 1971 in Wien, vom 9. bis 11. September 1971 in Budapest / herausgegeben von Otto Wächter Wien - s.n. , 1972 Incluso in > Biblos-Schriften Testo Monografico Internationaler Kongress für historische Wissenschaften (3. ; 1908 ; Berlino) Kongress-Tageblatt - internationaler Kongress für historische Wissenschaften - Berlin, 6-12 August 1908 / herausgegeben vom Organisations-Komitee des Kongresses ; redaktion- Paul Dinse Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1972 Testo Monografico Internazionale (1.) La Première Internationale / recueil de documents publié sous la dir. de Jacques Freymond Genève - Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales, 1962- . Testo Monografico Internazionale Situazionista - Sezione italiana Internazionale situazionista - rivista della Sezione italiana dell' I.S Milano - (s. n.), 1969- Pubblicazione Periodica |