Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1975

Pagina nr. 5634 di 5657       

West, Morris
L' Arlecchino / Morris West ; traduzione di Bruno Oddera
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1975
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Westergaard, John
Class in a capitalist society - a study of contemporary Britain / John Westergaard and Henrietta Resler
London - Heinemann, 1975
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Western European Seminar on the Interchange of bibliographic information in machine reabable form held (1974 ; Banbury)
The interchange of bibliographic information in machine readable form - papers given at the Western European seminar on the Interchange of bibliographic information in machine readable form held at Banbury, England, 12-16 May 1974 / edited by R. E. Coward and M. Yelland
London - The Library association, 1975
Testo Monografico

Westlake, Aubrey T.
La forza vitale nella salute e nella malattia - radioestesia, rabdomanzia, fitoterapia
Roma - Astrolabio, 1975
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Weston, John Frederick
La finanza aziendale internazionale / J. Fred Weston, Bart W. Sorge ; presentazione del dr. Sergio Paci
Milano - Cassa di risparmio delle provincie lombarde, stampa 1975
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Wetzler, Hermann Hans
Die Baskische Venus - Oper in fünf Bildern frei nach Prosper Mérimée - op. 14 / von Lini Wetzler ; Musik von Hermann Hans Wetzler
Leipzig - M. Brockhaus
Musica (stampa)

Wewers, Gerd A.
Geheimnis und Geheimhaltung im rabbinischen Judentum / von Gerd A. Wewers
Berlin ; New York - De Gruyter, 1975
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Weyl, Hermann
La simmetria / Hermann Weyl
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1975
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Whitaker, Shirley B.
The dramatic works of Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón / by Shirley B. Whitaker
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina - Department of Romance Languages, 1975
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White, Abraham
Principi di biochimica / Abraham White, Philip Handler, Emil L. Smith ; edizione italiana a cura di Vittorio Zambotti
Padova - Piccin, (c1973 -
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White, Abraham
Principi di biochimica / Abrahm i.e. White, Philip Handler, Emil L. Smith ; edizione italiana a cura di Vittorio Zambotti
Padova - Piccin, 1974 -
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White, Ellen G.
Momenti di luce
Firenze - ADV, 1975
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White, Ellen G.
Principi di educazione cristiana / Ellen G. White
Firenze - ADV, stampa 1975
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White, Ellen G.
I tesori delle testimonianze - consigli per la Chiesa scelti dalle testimonianze / Ellen G. White
Falciani, Impruneta - ADV
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White, Gilbert
Garden kalendar - 1751-1771 - reproduced in facsimile from the manuscript in the British Library / Gilbert White ; introduction and notes by John Clegg
London - Scolar press, 1975
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