Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1979

Pagina nr. 5011 di 6138       

Brion, Marcel
La resurrezione delle citta morte / Marcel Brion ; traduzione dal francese di Claudio Stroppa
(Milano) - Dall'Oglio, 1964-
Testo Monografico

Bristow, Alec
La vita sessuale delle piante / Alec Bristow
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1979
Testo Monografico

British and Foreign Bible Society - Library (London)
Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society / compiled by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule
New York - Kraus Reprint Corp., 1963-
Testo Monografico

British library
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975
London - Clive Bingley - K.G. Saur, 1979-1987
Testo Monografico

British library - Department of manuscripts
1- The text
London - the British Library, c1979
Incluso in > Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts, c. 700-1600, in the Department of manuscripts, The British library / Andrew G. Watson
Testo Monografico

British library - Department of manuscripts
2- The plates
London - the British library, ©1979
Incluso in > Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts, c. 700-1600, in the Department of manuscripts, The British library / Andrew G. Watson
Testo Monografico

British museum
Catalogue of books printed in the 15. century now in the British museum
London - British museum, 1908-
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British museum
The catalogues
London - British Museum, 1952- .
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British museum
Drawings by Michelangelo from The British Museum
New York - The Pierpont Morgan Library, c1979
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British museum
The golden age of Venetian glass / Hugh Tait
London - British Museum Publications, copyr. 1979
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Brivio, Ernesto
La Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine / Ernesto Brivio ; disegni di Attilio Rossi, Franco Cagnoli
Milano - Arti grafiche Reina, 1979
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Brizio, Giuseppe
I nobel dell'economia, 1969-1978 / Giuseppe Brizio ; presentazione del prof. Antonio Confalonieri
Bergamo - a cura della Banca popolare di Bergamo, 1979
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Brizzi, Emilio
Statistica grafica ed analitica - elasticita e resistenza materiali, le quattro sollecitazioni semplici...
Firenze - Tip. A. Lumini, 1959- .
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Brizzolara, Carlo (1911-1986)
Temporale Rosy / Carlo Brizzolara
Torino - Einaudi, 1979
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Brizzolari, Carlo
Genova nella seconda guerra mondiale / Carlo Brizzolari
Genova - Valenti, 1977-1978
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