Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1995

Pagina nr. 7092 di 8435       

European conference of Iranian studies (2. ; 1991 ; Bamberga)
Proceedings of the second European conference of Iranian studies - held in Bamberg, 30th September to 4th October 1991, by the Societas Iranologica Europaea ; edited by Bert G. Fragner ... ed altri
Roma - Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1995
Testo Monografico

European conference on Education in computer aided architectural design in Europe (13. ; 1995 ; Palermo)
Multimedia and architectural disciplines - proceedings of the 13. European conference on Education in computer aided architectural design in Europe, 16-18 November 1995 / edited by Benedetto Colajanni and Giuseppe Pellitteri
Palermo - Universitŕ, Dipartimento di progetto e costruzione edilizia, 1995
Testo Monografico

European conference on engineering and medicine (3. ; 1995 ; Florence)
3rd european conference on engineering and medicine - Palazzo dei congressi. Florence, Italy, April 30th-May 3rd, 1995 / organizers- European society for engineering and medicine (ESEM)... ed altri
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Pro juventute Don Carlo Gnocchi, stampa 1995
Testo Monografico

European congress of intensive care medicine (8. ; 1995 ; Athens)
2- Free papers
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, 1995
Incluso in > 8th European congress of intensive care medicine - Athens (Grece), October 18-22, 1995 / editor- Charis Roussos ; co-editors- A. Armaganidis ... et al.
Testo Monografico

European congress of surgery (5. ; 1995 ; Barcellona)
Eurosurgery '95 - 5th European congress of surgery - Barcelona (Spain), November 15-18, 1995 / editor- Xavier Rius Cornado
Bologna - Monduzzi, ©1995
Testo Monografico

European council of coloproctology
Fifth Congress of the European council for coloproctology (ECCP) - Barcelona (Spain), June 14-17, 1995 / edited by J. Martí Ragué, J. de Oca Burguete
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, 1995
Testo Monografico

European I.H.P.B.A congress Athens '95 (1995 ; Atene)
European I.H.P.B.A congress Athens '95 - Athens (Greece), 25-28 May, 1995 / editor Leonidas Papastamatiou
Bologna - Monduzzi international proceedings division, 1995
Testo Monografico

European Science Foundation
The classical tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - proceedings of the first European science foundation workshop on The reception of classical texts - Florence, Certosa del Galluzzo, 26-27 June 1992 / edited by Claudio Leonardi, Birger Munk Olsen
Spoleto - Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 1995
Testo Monografico

European society for cognitive psychology
Abstracts - 8th conference of the European society for cognitive psycology - Rome, 23-27 September 1995
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Kappa, stampa 1995 (Roma - Edistampa)
Testo Monografico

European society for cognitive psychology
Sponsored events, on the occasion of the 8. conference of the European society for cognitive psychology - Rome, 23-27 September 1995
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Kappa, stampa 1995 ( Roma - Edistampa)
Testo Monografico

European society of neuroradiology
6th Advanced course of the ESNR - Imaging of the craniocervical junction - Budapest, September 20, 1995 / editor- József Kenéz
Udine etc. - Edizioni del Centauro, stampa 1995
Testo Monografico

European symposium on cardiac pacing (7. ; 1995 ; Istanbul)
7th European symposium on cardiac pacing - Istanbul (Turkey), June 4-7, 1995 - free papers / editor Ali Oto
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, 1995
Testo Monografico

Organo ufficiale della Associazione nazionale piloti aviazione civile federata all'IFALPA - rassegna mensile
Roma - s.n. , 1959-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Eurotherm (commissione)
Quantitative infraRed thermography - QIRT 94 - proceedings of the Eurotherm seminar n. 42 - August, 23-26, 1994, Sorrento (NA), Italy / D. Balageas, G. Busse, and G. M. Carlomagno, editors ; organized by Universitŕ di Napoli Federico 2
Paris - Editions européennes thermiques industrie, 1995
Testo Monografico

Eustachi, Bartolomeo
Bartholomaei Eustachij ... Opuscula anatomica. Quorum numerum & argumenta auersa pagina indicabit
Venetijs - Vincentius Luchinus excudebat, 1564
Testo Monografico