Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1995

Pagina nr. 8275 di 8435       

Topical symposium on advanced structural fiber composites (3. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
Advanced structural fiber composites - proceedings of Topical symposium 3. on advanced structural fiber composites of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and Forum on new materials - Florence, Italy June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
Testo Monografico

Topical symposium on Advances in inorganic films and coatings (1. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
Advances in inorganic films and coatings - proceedings of Topical symposium 1. on Advances in inorganic films and coatings of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and forum on new materials - Florence, Italy, June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
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Topical symposium on High performance materials in engine technology (5. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
High performance materials in engine technology - proceedings of Topical symposium 5. on High performance materials in engine technology of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and Forum on new materials - Florence, Italy, June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
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Topical symposium on Intelligent materials and systems (6. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
Intelligent materials and systems - proceedings of Topical symposium 6. on Intelligent materials and systems of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and Forum on new materials - Florence, Italy, June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
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Topical symposium on materials in clinical applications ( 8. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
Materials in clinical applications - proceedings of Topical symposium 8. on materials in clinical applications of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and Forum on new materials - Florence, Italy June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
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Topical symposium on New diamond and diamond-like films (2. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
New diamond and diamond-like films - proceedings of Topical symposium 2. on New diamond and diamond-like films of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and forum on new materials - Florence, Italy, June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
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Topical symposium on Superconductivity and superconducting materials technologies (4. ; 1994 ; Firenze)
Superconductivity and superconducting materials technologies - proceedings of Topical symposium 4. on Superconductivity and superconducting materials technologies of the 8th CIMTEC-World ceramics congress and Forum on new materials - Florence, Italy, June 28 to July 4, 1994 / edited by P. Vincenzini
Faenza - Techna, 1995
Testo Monografico

Toppi, Francesco Saverio
Fiumi d'acqua viva - esercizi spirituali alla scuola di Francesco d'Assisi / Francesco Saverio Toppi
Pompei - Pontificio santuario, 1995
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Topîrceanu, Gheorghe
Opere alese / Ed. ingrijita, bibliografie i studiu introductiv de Al Sandulescu
Bucure ti - Ed. de Stat pentru literatura i arta, 1959-
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Toraldo di Francia, Giuliano
Fisica / Giuliano Toraldo, Luciano Cianchi, Marcello Mancini
Scandicci - La nuova Italia, 1986-
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Toraldo-Serra, Nicola Maria
Diplomazia dell'imperialismo e questione orientale - la spartizione dell'impero ottomano e la nascita del problema palestinese, 1914-1922 / Nicola Maria Toraldo-Serra
Roma - Bulzoni, ©1988-
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Torchia, Vittorio
Il paese del drago / Vittorio Torchia
Soveria Mannelli - Calabria letteraria, 1981-
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Torchio, Carlo Luigi
Fra romanticismo e decadenza - studi sulla letteratura e sulla lingua letteraria / Carlo Torchio
Torino - Tirrenia Stampatori, 1995
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Torchio, Fabrizio
Vom Gardasee ins Ledrogebirge Wanderführer / Fabrizio Torchio, Enzo Gardumi
Trento - Panorama, 1995
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Torchio, Menico
Formulazione breve, relativa ad Arnoglossus, Bleeker, 1862 (Bothidae, Osteichthyes), di una seconda regola ecologica personale / Menico Torchio
Pavia - Fusi, 1995
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