Bibliografia Lilium
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996

Pagina nr. 7212 di 8577       

Euripidis tragoediae et fragmenta. Recensuit interpretationem Latinam correxit scholia Graeca e codicibus manuscriptis partim supplevit partim emendavit Augustus Matthiae
Lipsiae - apud Ioa. Aug. Gottl. Weigel - impressit Benedictus Gotthilf, 1813-1837
Testo Monografico

Euroconference on Computer simulation in condensed matter physics and chemistry (1995 ; Como)
Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics of condensed matter systems - Euroconference on Computer simulation in condensed matter physics and chemistry - Como, 3-28 July 1995 / edited by K. Binder and G. Ciccotti
Bologna - Italian physical society, 1996
Testo Monografico

European association of agricultural economists
Agroforestry and its impacts on the environment - proceedings of the 39th Seminar of the European association of agricultural economists (EAAE) - Viterbo, 19th-21st May 1995) / organised by Osservatorio Lazio-Abruzzo dell'INEA (Italy) and Azienda agraria didattico-sperimentale dell'università della Tuscia - Viterbo (Italy) ; edited by Margaret Loseby
Roma - EAAE, 1996
Testo Monografico

European congress of chemoterapy (1. ; 1996)
Aggiornamenti sul trattamento dell'herpes - una terapia antivirale può fare la differenza? - 1. European congress of chemotherapy (ECC '96) - atti del Simposio - giovedì 16 maggio 1996
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Micarelli, stampa 1996 (Viterbo - Union printing)
Testo Monografico

European congress on Intensive care medicine (9. ; 1996 ; Glasgow)
9th European congress on Intensive care medicine - Glasgow, UK, 24-28 September 1966 i. e. 1996 / editor David Bennett
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, 1996
Testo Monografico

European federation of oto-rhino-laryngological societies
3rd European congress of the European federation of oto-rhino-laryngological societies, EUFOS - Budapest (Hungary), June 9-14, 1996 / editors Ottó Ribári, Andor Hirschberg
Bologna - Monduzzi international proceedings division, 1996
Testo Monografico

European federation of oto-rhino-laryngological societies
3rd European congress of the European federation of oto-rhino-laryngological societies, EUFOS - Budapest (Hungary), June 9-14, 1996. 2. / editors Ottó Ribári, Andor Hirschberg
Bologna - Monduzzi international proceedings division, ©1996, stampa 1997
Testo Monografico

European grassland federation
1- Grassland science in Europe
Gorizia - ERSA, 1996
Incluso in > Grassland and land use systems - proceedings of the 16. general meeting of the European grassland federation - Grado (Gorizia), Italy, September 15-19, 1996 / edited by G. Parente, J. Frame, S. Orsi
Testo Monografico

European mathematical genetics meeting (1996 ; Padova)
Mathematical genetics - proceedings of the European mathematical genetics meeting, held in Padova, Italy, September 12-15, 1996 / editors Maurizio Clementi, Paola Forabosco
Padova - CLEUP, 1996
Testo Monografico

European meeting on chemical industry and environment (1996 ; Alghero)
Chemical industry and environment 2. - these books contain the communications presented at the European meeting on chemical industry and environment held in Alghero (Sardinia, Italy), 11-13 september 1996 / edited by N. Piccinini and R. Delorenzo
Torino - Politecnico, ©1996
Testo Monografico

European society for gynaecological endoscopy
4th Congress of the European society for gynaecological endoscopy - The uterus throughout the the woman's life - Brussels (Belgium), December 6-9, 1995 / editors J. Donnez, I. Brosens
Bologna - Monduzzi International proceeding division, 1996
Testo Monografico

European thermal-sciences conference (2. ; 1996 ; Roma)
European thermal-sciences and 14. UIT National heat transfer conference 1996 - proceedings of the 2. European thermal-sciences and 14. UIT national heat transfer conference, Rome, Italy, 29-31 May 1996 / editors- G. P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Mariani
Pisa - ETS, 1996
Testo Monografico

Organo ufficiale della Associazione nazionale piloti aviazione civile federata all'IFALPA - rassegna mensile
Roma - s.n. , 1959-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Eurotherm (commissione)
Pool boiling 2, Paderborn - PB2 - proceedings of Eurotherm seminar n. 48 - September 18-20, 1996 Paderbon, Germany / Eurotherm ; (D. Gorenflo, D. B. R. Kenning, Ch. Marvillet, editors)
Pisa - ETS, 1996
Testo Monografico

Fantasías idealísticas / Eusebes
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , 1996
Testo Monografico