i* The drawer (i), being the person who draws the order; 2.nd The drawee (2), on whom the bill is drawn; The payee (3), to whom the money is to be paid.
Such an order could not however be enforced (4) on the drawee, unless his assent to pay be regularly given, which is done through aeceptanc (5), the form whereof consists of the wprd «accepted» (6 I written by the drawee across the face of the bill and followed by his signature. The sole signature of the drawee is however practically considered a sufficient form of acceptance. J^
'With the exception of bills payable on demand, for which acceptance would be perfectly useless, bills are therefore usually presented for acceptance as soon as possible after the issue; which gives rise to bills after
(:) Drawer Il traente, cioè colui che trae la cambiale.
(2) Drawee Il trattario o trassato, cioè colui sul quale la cambiale viene tratta, e che deve pagarla.
(3) Payee Il beneficiario, cioè colui in favore del quale la cambiale è stata tratta.
(4) Il verbo to enforce vale « mettere in vigore » far valere Seguito dalla prep. upon significa imporre.
(5) Acceptance L'accettazione, cioè l'atto col quale il trattario assume l'obbligo di pagare la cambiale.
(6) La corrispondente parola italiana « accettato » 0 anche semplicemente « accetto » costituisce la formula di r.ccetta-zione, della quale però si può anche fare a meno.
sight fi), that is: bills payable at a certain time after presentation,, as distinguished from such as made payable some time after the date of issue ( 2). V
X A promissory note (also called a note sf hand) is on the contrary a paper, also drawn up in a special wording, whereby a debtor promises to pay a sum of money to a person mentioned therein, either on demand or at a certain time after date.
The parties to a promissory note are therefore only two, viz: the maker (3! and the payee (4).
The leading privilege secured by law to the lawful holder of a draft or of a note is : that, should the debtor fail to pay on maturity thereof, he is only to have the bill protested by a Notary public as an evidence of dishonour, and be then in possesion of a judiciary document equal in power to a judgment of the Court, whereby he can at once lay an attachment 15) on his debtor's property (6).
(1) After sight Dopo vista, cioè dopo l'accettazione.
(2) Vedi esempio di cambiali tratte a pag. 22.
(3) Maker L'emittente del vaglia cambiario.
(4) Vedi esempio di vaglia cambiario pag. 23.
(5) Attachment « Sequestro, Pignoramento, quindi la locuzione legale » « to lay an attachment » corrispondente a « sequestrare, pignorare ».
(6) La procedura legale per le cambiali protestate è in Inghilterra alquanto diversa da quella vigente in Italia (Vedi citata opera « Lessons on the Laws and Customs of British Trade» Cap. VI.