Stai consultando: 'Dialoghi commerciali inglesi. Esercizi pratici', Raffaele Gambaro


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Dialoghi commerciali inglesi.
Esercizi pratici
Raffaele Gambaro
Tipografia R. Istituto Sordomuti Genova, 1924, pagine 207

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    1 uu 
   A.  Airi I too early Mr Bowen ?
   M.  Not at all, the clock has just struck ten. I'm glad to tell you that I' ve (i) had an interview with Mr Slower this morning, and that his information on your person is quite satisfactory; sit down at that desk and draw up (2) an answer to each of these two letters, one of wh ch is french and the other german. Of course your replies are to be respectively in the same language as the missive; you will find at foot (3) suitable annotations for the purpose.
   A.  Are the letters to be type-written ? (4) I am a tolerably good hand at type-writing
   So much the better, you will find a n^ab-ÌB« in the adjoining room.
   A.  (handing the papers after writing) Done Sir.
   (1) I' va - accorciatura di « I have ».
   (2) il verbo to draw unito all'avverbio up equivale = a «Stendere» nel senso di scrivere; donde draft 0 draught « minuta ».
   (3) At foot  in calce, cioè: in fondo alla lettera.
   (4) La scrittura a macchina è chiamata in inglese typewriting, perchè types sono i caratteri 0 tipi di stamperia ; type-written significa quindi « scritta a macchina ». La macchina da scrivere chiamasi « type-writing machine o typewriter.
   M.  Forty minutes for the two letters and type-written too? That's quick enough (reading), and pretty well done too; which shows that you are quite familiar with both languages, as far_as_ writing a least; can you speak them as fluently ?
   H t i ' '  %
   A.  I can understand and make myself understood in both, but I had not sufficient practice in either, and therefore cannot boast of a perfect pronunciation.
   M.  What we need most is correspondence, and for this I see you are no doubt qualified ; that's the main thing. TLet us see now if we can agree on general conditions.
   First of all, what are your claims as to
   wages ?
   A. - From my present employer I get one hundred pounds (1) a year, but I should like to improve my situation ; however I leave it for you to judge upon trial as to what compensation my services may deserve.
   M.  I approve of your modesty; let us fix the same treatment as you now enjoy, say for a period of six months, that you may get sufficiently aquàinted with the routine of our
   (1) Pound (sott.'° sterling) la lira sterlina, unità di moneta inglese pari a L. 25,22.
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