Stai consultando: 'Dialoghi commerciali inglesi. Esercizi pratici', Raffaele Gambaro


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Dialoghi commerciali inglesi.
Esercizi pratici
Raffaele Gambaro
Tipografia R. Istituto Sordomuti Genova, 1924, pagine 207

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    13.2   133 
   goods. Acting upon this datum I closely examined the table ware (i), and thought I 'found some little difference of shape in the bowls of the spoons and in the blades of the knives. Thereupon I v/rote directly to a friend in Florence to buy half a dozen each of the several articles and send them by post-parcel to my address in Turin, so that I now expect to receive them by to-morrow's post.
   M.  Wisely done indeed  Let me have them as soon as you get them, and if your doubts appear sufficiently grounded, I shall send the parcel directly to Sheffield, both for examination and to have instructions as to what the Directors intend should be done for the protection of the Company's interest  Will you stay long in Turin this time ?
   T.  Three or four days at most, to prepare for the Riviera tour, I think I shall be off next Monday.
   M.  Call on me the day after to-morrow then, at ten in the morning, I must give you some instructions, especially as regards our customers of San Remo and Bordighera.
   T.  I shall not fail to; good day sir. f
   (i) Table ware Nome generico per la posateria da tavola.
   Dialogue the Eighth
   Between a Merchant and an Intending Partner (i)
   ARGUMENT Forming- a partnership
   Merchant  Good morning, old fellow, how are you? Quite long since I saw you last; what has become of you all this time ? You forsake old friends, indeed you do.
   Intending partner  You are right in reproaching me, my dear Blight, for I might have made myself heard of by correspondence, but as to calling, it would have been next to impossible, seeing that i have been abroad for the last three months.
   (i) La parola « Intending» p pr del verbo « to intend » č idiomaticamente usata come aggettivo per esprimere l'intenzione di diventare dň che č indicato dal sostantivo seguente.  Intending partner significa quindi « uno che ha intenzione di farsi socio». (Vedi pag. 120 nota)