Stai consultando: 'Dialoghi commerciali inglesi. Esercizi pratici', Raffaele Gambaro


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Dialoghi commerciali inglesi.
Esercizi pratici
Raffaele Gambaro
Tipografia R. Istituto Sordomuti Genova, 1924, pagine 207

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   Dialogue the Tenth
   Between the two partners of a firm  Mr. Cook and Mr. Jones 
   ARGUMENT A case of bankruptcy
   Cook  Bad news, my dear Jones, bad news; Just look at that circular, will you? (handing a paper).
   Jones (after reading)  What? Cross & Irving of Greenock stopped payments ? (i) Is it possible! such an old and esteemed Manufacturing House! (2).
   C.  Yes, an old and esteemed House, you are right, but, if you remember, a report had reached our ears some months ago that they were deeply involved in stock-exchange speculations (3).
   (1) To stop payments, oppure, suspend payments 
   « Sospendere i pagamenti ».
   (2) Manufacturing house  Casa industriale.
   (3) Come termine tecnico commerciale, la parola Exchange significa; luogo dove si trattano operazioni commerciali. Corrisponde perciò all' italiano Borsa, ed è solitamente preceduto
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   J.  With the intention, very likely, of recovering from the heavy loss they had suffered in consequence of the failure of the Merchants' Bank.
   C.  The remedy was worse than the evil then. What with Bulls and Bears (1), a man is sure to be ruined in the end, who gets entangled in that gambling net.
   J.  So it is; but let us peruse the circular and see how matters stand.
   0.  According to their statement, their liabilities amount to eleven thousand eight hundred pounds, against eight thousand two hundred and sixty pounds of assets ; if this be true, things are not so dark after all, for about sixty five per cent might be saved.
   da altro sostantivo indicante l'uso speciale di una data Borsa, come: Merchants' exchange «Borsa dei mercanti»  Cotton exchange « Borsa dei cotoni»  Coal exchange « Borsa dei carboni» ecc. E siccome stock è termine generico per « ! titoli finanziari», stock exchange è la «Borsa» propriamente detta  Stock-exchange speculations « speculazioni di borsa ».
   (2) Nel gergo di Borsa diconsi Bulls «lori» gli speculatori al rialzo e Bears « orsi » ''gli speculatori al ribasso.