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for our own account in the expectation of our orders. As to our draft, let it be protested for non payment (1); we shall have to pay it of course as indorsers (2), which will give us the right of appearing as lawful creditors.
0. We can't help doing so, as we don't know in whose hands the bill is at present. As to stopping delivery, don't you tkink it more advisable to apply directly to the Manager of the local branch of the Anchor line here, and have the order of stoppage (3) sent by the Glasgow head-office? (4).
J. You are right, better make the Company liable for any possible delay. Let one of us call in at the branch-office this afternoon.
C. What about the meeting of creditors ? Do you think that one of us should attend it ?
J. When and where is it to take place ?
(1) Non payment Equivale a «mancato pagamento».
(2) to Indorse o to Endorse a bill significa «girare una cambiale» (Vedi note a pag. 11).
(3) Stoppage In transita o semplicemente Stoppage L'arresto, col quale si sospende la consegna della merce al destinatario.
(4) Head-office Nome che si dą alla Sede principale di una Societą industriale o commerciale.
1 1 y
c.. On the fourth of next month at Glasgow in the office of a public accountant (1), Mr. George Flinton, 22 Walter Scott Square. In my opinion it wouldn't pay for us to spend time and money for that purpose; we might as well charge one of our friends there with the representation of our firm and the protection of our interest.
J. That's a good idea, which we must carry at once into execution. Whom would you propose to wait on with such anreque*st?
0. Vvhy, Mr George Low, who was our counsellor (2) in our suit (3) against the Scotch Insurance Company, is the right man, I think, for such a business; do you share my opinion ?
J. Indeed I do; let us write hVipi at once and send him our regular power of attorney (4).
0. A power of attorney is not strictly required to attend a meeting of creditors on behalf of a third party; a simple letter of representation will no doubt be a sufficient title-
(1) Accountant Contahile (nome) Public accountant -
Ragioniere - Liquidatore.
(2) Counsellor Avvocato consulente.
(3) Law-suit 0 semp.'e Suit - Controversia legale - lite.
(1) Attorney £ il Procurator, quindi Power of attorney
1' Atto di procura Dicesi . nche Proxy