Stai consultando: 'Dialoghi commerciali inglesi. Esercizi pratici', Raffaele Gambaro


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Dialoghi commerciali inglesi.
Esercizi pratici
Raffaele Gambaro
Tipografia R. Istituto Sordomuti Genova, 1924, pagine 207

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    13.2   133 
   J. I think you are right.What instructions shall we give to our intended (1) representative ?
   0.  If we succeed, as I hope, in preventing delivery of the parcel lately sold to them, our due (2) will not then be very heavy, and we should have better interest to grant a respite, for they would be sure to pay in a near future; that depends however on the general state of their affairs. On the whole I dare say the best way would be to side with the majority, avoiding, if possible, an adjudication of bankruptcy (3), which would, in my opinion, only serve to complicate matters with the oppointment of a trustee (4) and other measures, which are after all the cause of sensible outlays.
   J.  And suppose they should offer to settle their debts with a partial payment, what min-imun percentage do you think might be acceptable for us ?
   (1) Intended, significa « che č nell' intensione » di altra persona per un dato ufficio. Non essendovi parola esattamente corrispondente in italiano, bisogna ricorrere ad una circonlocuzione, tr.iducendo la locuzione « to our intended representative» «a chi intendiamo ci rappresenti». (Vedi pag. 93 nota).
   (2) Our due  Quel che ci si deve.
   (3) Adjudication of bankruptcy  Dichiarazione di fallimento emessa dal tribunale.
   (4) Trustee  dal verbo to trust « fidare » Significa quindi « fiduciario » ed č titoli.- dato a persone con uffici diversi  Nel caso di fallimento il « trustee » corrisponde al « Curatore ».
   0.  Not less than ten shillings in the pound (1) to be sure; but should such be the case, our representative would no doubt let us know directly the exact figure offered; that we may either accept or refuse arrangement.
   J.  My opinion is we had better, first of all, apply directly by wire to Mr. Low with our request, in order to be sure of his compliance, and upon his reply of acceptance, which we may have to-morrow at the latest, send him our letter of representation, together with full directions as to how we intend him to manage the business.
   0.  That's the right way, I think; have the telegram sent at once, I'll draft out our instructions as agreed, that they may be, forwarded directly on receipt of Mr. Low's reply; meanwhile I better be off and call at the office of the Anchor line for the order of stoppage. So, by and by (2); I shall be back before four o' clock.
   (1) Essendo la lira sterlina divisa in venti scellini, gli Inglesi usano indicare una percentuale per mezzo di una frazione di detti venti scellini.  La locuzione « ten shilllngs in the pound » equivale perciņ a « 50 p.'j ».
   (2) By and by  Locuzione intraducibile alla lettera, ma corrispondente nel suo significato, alle italiane : « a fra poco, arrivederci »