ated, had been warehoused and shall be sold at auction (i) for my account and risk, but to accept also a second shipment of fifty more hogsheads, to meet my pretended engagement in full.
Upon my refusal, a summons (2) was served on me (3), the day before yesterday, to file appearance in Court (4) before the tenth of next month and have judgment passed on me (5) for the payment of cost, charges and damages.
L. So that you are defendant (6) in the case, and that's an advantage already. Who is acting for plaintiff? (7).
0. The plaintiff is represented by one Mr. John Droll in force of a regular power
(1) Auction sale o semplicemente auction č la vendita all'incanto o, come dicesi anche: « all'asta pubblica ».
(2) Come termine tecnico legale la parola summons corrisponde a « citazione in giudizio ».
(3) Il verbo « to Sorve » č usato nei linguaggio legale col significato corrispondente a quello dell' italiano « intimare, notificare ».
(4) To file an appearance in Court Formula legale che significa « comparire in giudizio » (Vedi nota 4, p. 116).
(5) To pass judgment Equivale a « pronunciare sen-terna » - Quindi la frase « to have judgment passed on me »
liberamente tradotta significa : « sentirmi condannare ».
(6) Defendant Il convenuto, cioč la persona citata in giudizio.
(j) Plaintiff L'attore, cioč la persona che chiama altri in giudizio.
of attorney, and Mr. Rack is their solicitor (1) in the suit.
L. Have you brought with you all the vouchers connected with the case ?
0. I have sir; here are the writ of sum mons (2), both the memorandum of the purchase, under Mr Smith,s own hand, and his letter offering delivery of bill of lading, together with the copy of my answer refusing acceptance of the goods, also my correspondence with the Tunis firm.
L. Let me look at them, (after perusal) First of all; Mr. Smith, I see, did not act in his own name, but in the capacity of an agent for the account of his principal; the contract is therefore between you and the vendors (3).
0. So it is.
L. Secondly ; you refused acceptance of the goods on the plea that you received no notice of the vendor's approval, which would
(t) Solicitor. Chiunque sia autorizzato con regolare procura ad agire per conto di un altro ne diventa l'attorney cioč il procuratole (Vedi pag. 119, nota 4), ma il procuratore p/ofessionaěe chiamasi Solicitor, oppure Attorney at law.
(2) Writ, accorciato di writing, significa atto scritto, e nel senso legale, maněato imperativo emesso dall'autoritŕ giudiziaria, quindi Writ of summons vale atto di citazione o mandato di comparizione.
(3) Vendor č il termine legale per « venditore », mentre nel linguaggio comune dicesi seller,