Stai consultando: 'Dialoghi commerciali inglesi. Esercizi pratici', Raffaele Gambaro


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Dialoghi commerciali inglesi.
Esercizi pratici
Raffaele Gambaro
Tipografia R. Istituto Sordomuti Genova, 1924, pagine 207

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   no doubt be good ground; but the memorandum of the sale does not state the condition of such an approval being required to bind the bargain.
   0. "  True, but the condition was agreed to verbally; Mr. Smith promising that I would receive notice within the term fixed.
   L.  This would imply Mr. Smith's personal responsibility more than the vendor's, I think; however, have you any means of proving the truth of your assertion ?
   0.  I think I have, for I remember there were persons present in Mr. Smith's offiice, who can bear witness (1) that such was the fact.
   L.  That will be a good standing point for defence; we shall draw up articles for evidence (2) to that effect, which, on being sworn to by the witnesses, on affidavit (3)
   (1) To bear witness  Far testimonianza " Nel linguaggio legale dicesi meglio «to give evidence » - Evidence essendo il termine tecnico per «prova orale ».
   (2) Articles for evidence  Capitoli di prova, che una delle parti contendenti deduce come dichiarazione dei fatti che essa intende provare.
   (3J Affidavit  Questo vocabolo latino č usato come termine legale per indicare la dichiarazione scritta che una persona fa sotto il vincolo di giuramento « attestazione giurata.
    i S3 
   before a Commissioner for oaths (1), will no doubt be of capital importance in behalf of our plea (2).
   C.  There is another circumstance, which, I think, may help my claim; viz, that I received no notice of the shipment from the House, as I ought to have had, and the bill of lading, to Mr. Smith's order, was offered to me, against acceptance of a draft for the amount of invoice,'when the goods had already been landed; which prevented me from selling them while sailing, as could easily have done.
   L.  Certainly the fact of your receiving no notice of the shipment in good time may be of some weight in the case, and we shall not fail to try, if possible, to have it construed into an acknowledgment, on the vendor's part, that the sale had not been regularly effected; but in my opinion, the main point is that of the vendor's approval.
   0.  The long and the short of the matter is simply this, you know, that had prices im-
   (1) Commissioner for oaths  Ufficile giudiziario incaricato di ricevere i giuramenti. Non esistendo nella nostra gerarchia giudiziaria' tale speciale uffizio, manca il termine tecnico italiano corrispondente; si potrebbe dire « commissario ai giuramenti ».
   (2) Come termine legale il sostantivo « plea » significa l'assunto, cioč Sa tesi sostenuta da ciascuna delle parti contendenti, quindi anche l'azione o l'eccezione.