me have their names, and if possible, procure me a summary of what their deposition is likely to be. I must know exactly how far we can rely on their tastimony-
0. I'll set at once on this errand and hope to comply with your request within this week. However it is in your valuable patronage I chiefly trust for the success of my defence; even the most valid argument is of little avail unlelss upheld by skill and eloquence.
L. I'll do my best, you may be sure of that, but we depend on man's judgment, you know, and men are apt to err. However I feel confident we shall carry the point.
0. Let us hope so. How time flies, to be sure; it is nearly six o clock, so I shall take my leave and beg your pardon for having kept you so long; I hope your are not late for your train so Twinkenham.
L. Never mind that, Mr. Cliffs, the station is but five minutes' walk from my office, I shall be in time. Take care of yourself and call on me as soon as there is anything new. So long (i).
(i) So-long Interiezione comunissima della lingua parlata, sinonima di « good-bye » e quindi corrispondente all'italiano «addio».
Dialogue the Twelfth
Between a Banker and the Managing Director (1) of a Joint Stock Company (2)
ARGUMENT Financing an industrial undertaking (3)
Banker Good morning, Mr. Pluck, to what a lucky chance am I indebted for the pleasure of your visit?
Director I call on you in my capacity of Managing Director of the Bristol Investment
(1) Gli Amministratori di una società per azioni chiamansi Directors Managing Director è il Consigliere Delegato, cui è affidato dal Consiglio d'Amministrazione il giornaliero disbrigo degli affari,
(2) Una Società per azioni dicesi Joint-Stock Company; l'epiteto join* stock potrebbesi tradurre «a capitale riunito » per indicare che esso è formato di parti riunite, cioè di azioni.
(3) Dal nome Finance «finança» il verbo to Finance « finanziare », cioè provvedere il capitale necessario per una impresa. La voce partecipiale « financing » è qui usata sostantivamente corrispondendo a « finanziamento ».